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Me at PyCon Argentina 2009

Here I am speak­ing...

Roberto y Alejandro

And here's the au­di­ence...

Audience laughing with Roberto Alsina

I re­al­ly, re­al­ly re­al­ly hope they were laugh­ing with me.

Pic­tures by Beat­rice Murch li­censed un­der cre­ative com­mons.

And one more. This was the first day, when I was speak­ing about Norvig's 20-­line spellcheck­er (s­lides here)

Charla Relampago Corrector Ortografico

Pho­to by Kant (Ariel Kan­terewicz), CC:­BY

PyCon Argentina 2009 Day 2

Ha, I thought I was very tired af­ter Day 1... not even close. Not af­ter how tired I was af­ter day 2!

First a short re­cap:

  • Got there (in time!)

  • Watched Fa­­cun­­do Batis­­ta's En­ten­di­en­­do Uni­­code

  • Fi­­nal­­ly pre­sen­t­ed PyQt + Wx­Python + PyGtk. And here are my slides.

    A huge thank you to Mar­i­ano Rein­­gart, Mar­i­ano Guer­ra, Daniel Mois­set and Javier Cas­tril­­lo who were there in rep­re­sen­­ta­­tion of Wx­Python and PyGtk. It was a very cor­­di­al af­­fair and lots of fun for ev­ery­one in­­­volved, I hope. Here are the Wx and PyGtk slides.

    On the oth­­er hand, this kind of thing is dead as fu­­ture talk sub­­­jec­t­s, at least to me. There is­n't much siz­­zle in it any­­more.

  • Lunch

  • A bit late for Mul­ti­pro­ce­samien­­to en Python by Clau­­dio Freire

  • Then I com­­plete­­ly did­n't fol­low Be­hind the sce­­nes: Python byte­­code by Matías Bor­dese be­­cause...

  • I had yet an­oth­er light­n­ing talk to give!

    It was an old trusty friend of mine, Ray­­mond Het­­tinger's spread­­sheet thingie and I even did slides, there was even time to get a neat xkcd re­f­er­ence in it... and the net­­book I was us­ing crapped out in slide #3.

    I could tell the joke (Mar­­cos Dione had a shirt with the ex­act need­ed xkcd strip in the back­­), but I re­al­­ly had a thing go­ing and .. well, it sucked.

    What the heck, I will try again next time.

    And yes, here are the slides I could­n't show

  • Then, last con­fer­­ence, Un­laden Swal­low by Collin Win­ter, which was very nice.

  • Then con­fer­­ence clos­ing, gifts for the luck­­y, some talk­ing, and home to rest.

In oth­er ar­eas:

I fi­nal­ly got my copy of the python tu­to­ri­al print­ed with rst2pdf. It's the first time ev­er a book has been type­set us­ing rst2pdf.

While the print­ing and bind­ing are (in­ten­tion­al­ly!) cheap, the type­set­ting was pret­ty good. Here are some pic­tures:


And fi­nal­ly, I con­grat­u­late all the or­ga­niz­er­s, it was a beau­ti­ful­ly han­dled even­t!

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