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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website


Cover for DMQZ


The first 80% or so of the book is awe­some. Then it's not.

The end­ing makes me want to throw the book in­to a fire. Luck­i­ly I did­n't be­cause I was read­ing it on a kindle, and it would have been an ex­pen­sive ges­ture.

It's the most bla­tant "pay me for the sec­ond half of this book" I have ev­er read.

Locche: The Untouchable Pastebin


I did man­age to write this thing, sort of, in 2 hours. You can see it in ac­tion here: http://tinyurl.­com/loc­che1 and it has some rather un­usu­al fea­tures :-)

  • You can hack Loc­che in­­­side Loc­che.

  • You can go back to pre­vi­ous ver­­sions of the text (or Loc­che) from any copy of Loc­che

  • It us­es no serv­er what­­so­ev­er (other than a CDN to get JS and codemir­ror)

What's miss­ing?

  • Mak­ing it pret­­ty

  • Short­­en his­­to­ry URLs so the size does­n't ex­­plode so much

  • Fix han­dling of ' " and prob­a­bly oth­­er char­ac­ters in the text

  • Doc­u­­ment it

But I think it's cool. Be­low is the live­blog of how it was done. Have fun match­ing it with the com­mit his­to­ry at http­s://github.­com/ralsi­na/loc­che

I am go­ing to live-­code a paste­bin, with a few twist­s.

It's called Loc­che, in hon­our of Nicol­i­no Loc­che, The Un­touch­able.

This page will up­date ev­ery 5 min­utes un­til I am done, or 2 hours have elapsed.

Read more…

The Apocalypse Ocean (Xenowealth #4)

Cover for The Apocalypse Ocean (Xenowealth #4)


Best book in the se­ries. In­ter­est­ing set­ting (as usu­al for Buck­el­l) but clean­er writ­ing and bet­ter char­ac­ter de­vel­op­ment for the new ones (the old stand­bys are just there).

Al­so, what hap­pened to Et­su­do?

Really, Really, Magical Forum

It has tak­en me a long time and sev­er­al at­tempts but here it is:

A to­tal­ly not-host­ed-by-me-­fo­rum-in-a-url: http://tinyurl.­com/re­al­lyre­al­ly­mag­i­cal­fo­rum

If you don't un­der­stand how it work­s, well, I can ex­plain. But trust me, you are not down­load­ing any­thing from any of my sites to make that fo­rum work, ex­cept for a piece of JS used to pag­i­nate which it could just as well get from github or what­ev­er.

The ac­tu­al code is at http://github.­com/ralsi­na/­mag­ic­fo­rum

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina