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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Magic Mystery Forum Revisited

A long time ago I wrote a hack­ish min­i­mal­is­tic fo­rum soft­ware, which used Dis­qus as a back­end. Just to see if it still worked af­ter 2.5 years, I took a look... and it sort of did.

So, since I know much more about web­sites now than I did back then, I cleaned it up a lit­tle and de­ployed it at http://­fo­rum.ralsi­

Most­ly, what I have learned in those 2.5 years is that boot­strap and JQuery are cool, and here is the be­fore/after im­age so you can see why.

And yes, it's still 32 lines of code. I re­moved a com­ment be­cause Dis­qus works bet­ter now and the rest is all tem­plate changes, done us­ing http://­jet­strap.­com

Chris Warrick / 2013-09-06 17:26:

Please put it on GitHub instead of Google Code.

Roberto Alsina / 2013-09-06 17:31:

Not worth the effort for a 32-LOC throwaway POC

humitos / 2013-09-14 01:30:

"Un foro porno persistente que no necesita server"

-- Roberto Alsina

Perdón, yo si mal no recuerdo esto lo explicaste en el PyCamp de 2011...

Roberto Alsina / 2013-09-14 21:31:

Viste, todo se recicla ;-)

Ahora que aprendí más Javascript tengo que ver si me sale lo de sacar el server y correr directo de la url

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