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Rst2pdf progress

I have set for my­self a pri­or­i­ty list of bugs that both­er me in rst2pdf, my tool to con­vert re­struc­tured text in­to PDFs in or­der of de­creas­ing shame­ful­ness.

I have been fix­ing a few to­day (ear­ly morn­ing + late night hack) so the fol­low­ing is now cor­rec­t:

  • Use of in­­­clud­ed stylesheets

  • Ver­ti­­cal spac­ing of in­­­den­t­ed lineblocks

  • Use of :tar­get: in fig­ure di­rec­­tives

There are 46 open is­sues but I am not plan­ning on fix­ing them al­l. My per­son­al hitlist has 10 more bugs in it, but re­gard­less of how many I fix, I in­tend to re­lease any­way, be­cause:

  • Last re­lease is bro­ken with lat­est re­­port­lab

  • Last re­lease is a bit bro­ken with do­cu­tils 0.10 which will be out soon

  • Last re­lease was over six months ago

And that last one is the crit­i­cal one. Work­ing at Canon­i­cal has shown me that re­lease ca­dence is good. Spe­cial­ly in a project where trunk is very rarely bro­ken (like rst2pdf) there is no rea­son for slow re­lease cy­cles. Rst2pdf should re­lease month­ly.

I ful­ly in­tend to take that ap­proach, so the next re­lease will be done on De­cem­ber 21st.

SebastianBassi / 2012-12-14 02:53:

+1 al último punto.
Siempre que me preguntan por un lenguaje de MD recomiendo rst.

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