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Nikola 5.5.1 released

I'm thrilled to an­nounce ver­sion 5.5.1 of Niko­la my stat­ic site/blog gen­er­a­tor is out, with bug­fix­es and new fea­tures (in­clud­ing nice and easy charts) and you can get it from the usu­al places or from PyP­I.

Here's the list of changes:


  • New FEED_LENGTH op­­tion, de­­faults to 10 (Is­­sue #549)

  • Added no-­cache head­ers to niko­la serve (Is­sue #545)

  • New minc­ss com­­mand, re­­moves un­used and re­­dun­­dant CSS (Is­­sue #364)

  • New chart di­rec­­tive based on py­­gal

  • Up­­­date of IPython plug­in to work with the up­­­com­ing IPython 1.0


  • Re­move cache/ when run­ning niko­la clean (Is­sue #558)

  • Mark bun­­dles as "clean­able" (Is­­sue #558)

  • Made niko­la help much more re­silient against bro­ken con­ (Is­sue #550)

  • Show docin­­fo part of do­cu­tils out­­put (Is­­sue #556)

  • Ex­it with er­ror code when there is an er­ror (Is­­sue #543)

  • Re­vamped re­quire­ments.txt — now re­quire­ments.txt con­tains the re­quired de­pen­den­cies and re­quire­­ments-­­ful­l.txt con­tains the op­tion­al ones (Is­sue #547)

  • Fixed bug in ex­am­­ple us­age of in­­stal­l_theme.

  • Bet­ter help text for bootswatch com­­mand.

  • Fixed in­­stal­la­­tion un­der pip 1.4 or lat­er (pytz and yap­sy ver­­sions must be hard­­cod­ed due to crazy ver­­sion­ing schemes)

  • Added .rst to the de­­fault re­Struc­­tured­­Text ex­ten­­sions (via Is­­sue #542)

  • Moved the sam­­ple site to the new one-­­file for­­mat (Is­­sue #542)

  • Es­­­cape HTML in ti­­tles (Is­­sue #537)

  • Fixed is­­sues with in­­dex pages in­­dices (Is­­sue #532)

  • Fixed IPython plug­in to work with the lat­est IPython.n­b­con­vert ma­ch­in­ery

  • Fixed fail­ing build be­­cause of hid­­den fold­ers and files in­­­side post fold­er

Grzegorz Śliwiński / 2013-08-08 19:18:

weird... pip says 5.5 is the newest version

Roberto Alsina / 2013-08-08 19:26:

My mistake, I forgot to update a field in PyPI

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