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New in Nikola v6 part IV: Awesome Auto Mode

I am plan­ning to do a ma­jor re­lease (ver­sion 6!) of Niko­la my stat­ic blog and site gen­er­a­tor the next week­end. It's a ma­jor ver­sion be­cause there has been a ton of fea­ture work done. So, I will do a quick se­ries high­light­ing some of those im­prove­ments this week.

Today's Topic: Auto Mode

Niko­la has had, since day one, a way to run in "au­to mod­e". That means that it would re­build the site au­to­mat­i­cal­ly when it saw a file change. That was pro­vid­ed by doit the cool soft­ware that han­dles niko­la's task tree.

The prob­lem was that it was slight­ly lim­it­ed, and it did­n't no­tice con­fig­u­ra­tion changes, or when you added new files. It on­ly re­act­ed to changes in things it al­ready knew as de­pen­den­cies.

Well, in v6, Niko­la has a new au­to mode cour­tesy of Python Livereload that fix­es all that.

I think the best way to show it is with a video, so here it is (there are ty­pos and such, just see the big pic­ture ;-):

notfoss / 2013-08-31 07:05:

This is super cool. So, the doit method is deprecated?

ralsina / 2013-08-31 10:25:

Yes, this no longer uses doit's auto command.

The command is still the same "nikola auto" it just gained a -b option. Other than that, for the user it works more or less the same.

(ralsina, but posting as guest because disqus login seems down)

Juan Rodríguez Monti / 2013-09-02 22:12:

This is amazing, Roberto!. Thanks!.

Jose / 2013-09-05 22:33:

Ahhh... está rezarpado!! Muy bueno! Felicitaciones Roberto!

Mauricio Baeza / 2013-10-06 06:41:

En México decimos "esta padrisimo" aunque algunas feministas quieren cambiarlo por "esta madrisimo", jejje...

Nikola is amazing....

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