New in Nikola v6 III: comment alternatives
I am planning to do a major release (version 6!) of Nikola my static blog and site generator the next weekend. It's a major version because there has been a ton of feature work done. So, I will do a quick series highlighting some of those improvements this week.
Today's Topic: Comments
Nikola has supported 3rd party comment services since day one. Because it started as "something that generates my site", it supported the comment system I was using (and still am using), Disqus.
There is nothing wrong with Disqus, and it will be the default in v6, but if you want something else... we got you covered.
So Nikola v6 supports:
Disqus (just see below ;-)
All with just minor changes in your config. Because of how it's done, all themes will support all comment systems with at most very minor tweaks.
If you know of any other comment systems worth supporting, just open an issue and I'll get them in.
Thanks to Kwpolska and punchagan now Google+ and Facebook are also supported for comments.
Disqus works, but what I really want is a self-hosted comments system. There is one which probably does this job but it is written in Ruby so it's a no-go.
If you know of one, I can add support for it based on parameters such as IP address or whatever.
> Disqus works, but what I really want is a self-hosted comments system.
Same here...I know that Pelican folks were/are trying to cook something via, while Acrylamid developer had some idea like
Daybed looks useful so I've bookmarked it. ISSO's NIH approach makes me uneasy, but I'll keep it in mind.
Why is Ruby a no-go? Is it that you do *not* want to use Ruby, or is it that you *want* to use Python, since Nikola is written in Python? — I'm actually developing an embedded comment system written in Scala, which runs on the JVM, see Is the JVM a go or no-go :-) ? My system works fine on an Amazon micro instance anyway.
So far, possible other comment systems from feedback and links:
* Juvia
* TildeHash
* Isso
* Google+
* Facebook
Check SolidOpinion
I'm developing an open source embedded comment system:
Debiki Embedded Comments,
It's available as a service too, like Disqus. — It has some Wiki-like features; it currently uses a novel 2D layout that hopefully contributes to a more varied discussion; and it has a few features intended to save people's time.
Does you think it is something that might work well together with Nikola and that Nikola would want to support? (I could add an option to disable the 2D layout, which otherwise might conflict with some themes.)
I don't see why not! The support for commenting systems is quite flexible already so probably can be made to support this.
Okay. I had a look at the themes at, and it seems to me that Debiki would work well together with most themes. The issues with some themes are that 1) Debiki currently assumes a white background, because I haven't yet been able to make PNG arrows that work with all backgrounds, and 2) Debiki uses a 2D layout that might overlap with the borders used by layouts such as "reveal" and "reveal-jinja".
Anyway I'll wait a while and see what kind of feedback I get on Debiki, and later on perhaps I'll have a look at integrating it with Nikola :-)
By the way, if you happen to know about any Nikola installation with lively discussions and many comments, I'd be interested in checking it out.