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BA Chili Cookoff

Last sat­ur­day I at­tend­ed the 2nd Buenos Aires Chili Cookof­f. Lots of peo­ple, lots of great food. I was with my kid and he can't eat any­thing that spicy, but hey, there were cook­ies :-)


How crowd­ed was it? About three times this crowd was there.

I had lit­tle ex­pe­ri­ence with Chili, be­cuase it's not ex­act­ly a com­mon dish around here, so, sur­prised by the va­ri­ety, and most were quite nice, and de­spite ex­haus­tive warn­ings by the cook­s, none was uned­i­bly spicy (the dread­ed Zom­bie Chili which promised to melt my mouth? Kin­da sweet and bland.)

Favourite? Lafit­te's re­venge, which re­al­ly was a sort of bean-free bour­guignon. Al­so, the smoked veg­gie chili was quite awe­some. And the cook­ies were killer­s!

Next year, my wife is talk­ing about cook­ing for it. I have had her chili, and I trust she can do bet­ter than 80% of the con­tes­tants this year. Plus I get to be­ta test her recipes, so win/win for me.

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