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Adding Support for a Markup to Nikola

One of the goals for Niko­la, my stat­ic site/blog gen­er­a­tor is that it should be easy to ex­tend. For ex­am­ple, to­day I added sup­port for two markup­s: tex­tile and Cre­oleWi­ki.

Since Niko­la al­ready sup­port­ed HTM­L, re­Struc­tured­Text and Mark­down, adding a cou­ple more is not very dif­fi­cult. Here's how:

  1. Cre­ate a .plug­in file like this one:

Name = textile
Module = compile_textile

Author = Roberto Alsina
Version = 0.1
Website =
Description = Compile Textile into HTML

Then you need to cre­ate a python mod­ule called (in this case) com­pile_­tex­

That file is boil­er­plate plus two meth­od­s, com­pile_html and cre­ate_­post

The com­pile_html method takes two ar­gu­ments, one file from which it reads the markup, and one to write HTM­L. Ex­am­ple:

def compile_html(self, source, dest):
    if textile is None:
        raise Exception('To build this site, you need to install the "textile" package.')
    with, "w+", "utf8") as out_file:
        with, "r", "utf8") as in_file:
            data =
        output = textile(data, head_offset=1)

Make sure to use ut­f8 ev­ery­here.

The cre­ate_­post func­tion is used to cre­ate a new, emp­ty, post with some meta­da­ta in it. Ex­am­ple:

def create_post(self, path, onefile=False, title="", slug="", date="", tags=""):
    with, "wb+", "utf8") as fd:
        if onefile:
            fd.write('<notextile>  <!--\n')
            fd.write('.. title: %s\n' % title)
            fd.write('.. slug: %s\n' % slug)
            fd.write('.. date: %s\n' % date)
            fd.write('.. tags: %s\n' % tags)
            fd.write('.. link: \n')
            fd.write('.. description: \n')
        fd.write("\nWrite your post here.")

The meta­da­ta has to be in the form ".. field­name: field­val­ue" and usu­al­ly needs to be wrapped in a com­ment so that it's not shown in the out­put.

The one­file pa­ram­e­ter means you have to write that meta­da­ta in the post. If it's False, you don't.

In some rare cas­es (Cre­ole, I am look­ing at you) com­ments are not sup­port­ed and you should raise an ex­cep­tion if one­file is True.

And that's it, markup sup­port is fair­ly easy to add as long as there is a python im­ple­men­ta­tion of a func­tion to con­vert markup in­to htm­l.

schettino72 / 2013-01-11 02:10:

(lazy) question: Where should I put these files (if I dont have access to modify nikola source) ? Just dropping it in the same place as my blog will work? Can I put them in a different folder?

Roberto Alsina / 2013-01-11 13:18:

Put them in yoursite/plugins and it "Just Works ®" :-)

I could add support for a NIKOLAPLUGINPATH variable or something but there's probably no point.

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