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Rant: Being annoying is not a way to make me your customer

I have been a cus­tomer of Fib­er­tel for my broad­band needs for sev­er­al years. Their ser­vice has not sucked bad, even if I had a few prob­lems in the past.

How­ev­er, a month ago, I de­cid­ed to switch to a com­pet­ing ser­vice for a good rea­son: it's much much much cheap­er [1]

Since I am not stupid, I can­celed late with Fib­ertel, so I would have a full month of over­lap­ping ser­vice. I thought hey, maybe I would come back if the new ser­vice sucks [2]

What hap­pened next has been in­creas­ing­ly an­noy­ing.

First Fib­er­tel called the per­son who con­tract­ed the ser­vice (not me). That's rea­son­able.

Then they called me to ask me why I was can­celling. I exlained that the oth­er ser­vice is (all things con­sid­ered) about 75% cheap­er for the same per­for­mance. I sup­pose that's rea­son­able too.

What start­ed be­com­ing less and less rea­son­able are the next 5 call­s, each of­fer­ing cheap­er rates, but still more ex­pen­sive than my new ser­vice.

What was not rea­son­able was that they start­ed call­ing to tell me tech­ni­cal­ly un­sound bull­shit to scare me in­to their ser­vice again.

What is def­i­nite­ly not rea­son­able is that they called me 6 times, even af­ter I told them to stop call­ing me in the third cal­l.

What is in­cred­i­bly stupid and an­noy­ing was that they de­cid­ed to block my in­ter­net ac­cess in or­der to show me an ad about the same of­fers I AL­READY DE­CLINED and un­til I clicked that ad I could not use the In­ter­net.

What is freak­ing nuts is that be­cause I have an ac­cess point I could­n't see the sa­tan-­damned ad, so I was left with­out in­ter­net un­til:

  • I re­­moved the ac­cess point

  • Hooked my note­­book to the ca­ble mo­­dem

  • Got re­­jec­t­ed by it

  • Hooked back the AP

  • Got the MAC from it

  • Faked my note­­books MAC

  • Clicked the Cthul­hu-pissed ads

  • Hooked back the AP

  • Un-­­faked my MAC

So, I need­ed to spend an hour do­ing this.

There­fore, dear Fib­ertel, your com­pa­ny al­so pro­vides ca­ble TV. I am pissed at you. I have de­cid­ed to buy ser­vice from Di­recTV ex­clu­sive­ly to piss you of­f.

Yup, I, who have been pay­ing you ev­ery month $230 for years, will pay you $0 next month. I could have paid you $100, but no, you had to be ass­es about it. You could­n't let me go. Well, I do not like be­ing pestered. I do not like that you act­ed like a spurned 17-year old [3]

Fib­ertel, I kin­da liked you, but my opin­ion of you has gone low­er.

Al­so, any Fib­er­tel cus­tomers out there: if you ask to can­cel the ser­vice say­ing you switch be­cause of the price, they will of­fer you 3Mbps for a year for $79. If you say no, they will of­fer you 3 free month­s.

That's a $600 sav­ing, so go ahead and take their mon­ey.

jjconti / 2009-12-02 00:55:

En [1] te quedó un pedazo de la versión en inglés.

jjconti / 2009-12-02 00:55:

En [1] te quedó un pedazo de la versión en inglés.

pablo / 2009-12-15 19:09:

Tengo un conocido que vive de esas promociones. Es tremendo. Hace mas de unos tres años que viene con la misma estrategia. Agarra dice que va a dar de baja, y espero a que lo llamen. Si no ocurre va con el moden y pide la baja. Al otro dia lo llaman para preguntarle por que dio de baja el servicio y siempre consigue un año de gracia. Debe ser horrible tener que laburar para estas empresas tratando de que el cliente no se te quiera escapar. Pero bueno si tenes la posibilidad de aprovecharlo mal no esta

pablo / 2009-12-15 19:09:

Tengo un conocido que vive de esas promociones. Es tremendo. Hace mas de unos tres años que viene con la misma estrategia. Agarra dice que va a dar de baja, y espero a que lo llamen. Si no ocurre va con el moden y pide la baja. Al otro dia lo llaman para preguntarle por que dio de baja el servicio y siempre consigue un año de gracia. Debe ser horrible tener que laburar para estas empresas tratando de que el cliente no se te quiera escapar. Pero bueno si tenes la posibilidad de aprovecharlo mal no esta

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