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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Urssus: July 27th - Released into the wild!

I spent the day bug­fix­ing. Then, when I re­al­ized I was fix­ing stull like "when you delete a feed, the un­read count in the par­ent feed is not up­dat­ed cor­rect­ly" and "if you go to Next Un­read ar­ti­cle and there are none, make the search wrap" I de­cid­ed this thing must re­al­ly be work­ing right, since both things failed me in at least one sim­i­lar pro­gram that claims to be pro­duc­tion-ready (not akre­ga­tor! ;-) So I am re­leas­ing it as 0.1.0

And I am do­ing it for re­al:

  • PyPi page for easy_in­stall

  • Work­ing in­­staller! (Not quite work­ing for win­­dows, though)

  • Most known bugs fixed (at least 15 to­­day)

  • Up­­load­­ed to Arch's AUR, so we Arch users can get it pain­­less­­ly ;-)

It has been a nice ex­per­i­men­t, and I will try to write some­thing co­her­ent to­mor­row about lessons learned and such as we reach my self­-im­posed two week dead­line for Akre­ga­tor fea­ture par­i­ty.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina