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Urssus: July 25th (way too late) - new features

Last post for the day, and prob­a­bly un­til mon­day.

  • Fin­ished ex­pi­ra­­tion im­­ple­­men­­ta­­tion (and it works just fine)

  • Fixed a tough bug and now the back­­­ground fetch­er up­­­dates the UI cor­rec­t­­ly

  • Made the tem­­plate lo­­ca­­tion code work cor­rec­t­­ly be­­fore and af­ter in­­stal­la­­tion (thanks to help from PyAr mail­ing list)

  • And the pret­­ty one: cus­­tom CSS file used for all tem­­plates. The de­­fault we­bkit (and kht­m­l, and fire­­fox) CSS is hor­rid. This one is just not pret­­ty, but still an im­prove­­men­t.

And of course, a screen­shot. Akre­ga­tor on the left, uRSSus on the right:


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