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Urssus: July 25th (later) - uRSSus on windows


So you need to in­stall SQLAlche­my 0.4.6 and Elixir 0.5.2 and python and pyqt and paver, and what­ev­er man­u­al­ly right now... it does work.

I had to change about 10 lines, specif­i­cal­ly stuff about tem­po­rary files.

On Lin­ux, I cre­ate a NamedTem­po­rary­File, write to it, then read it from an­oth­er place of the code. As long as I keep a han­dle to the ob­ject that's ok.

On Win­dows, it seems I can't read the file be­cause it's locked by the writer, but if I close it it's delet­ed, so I switched­to mk­stemp and that's it.

Al­so, it does­n't run well from in­side IDLE for some rea­son.

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