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Get in Trouble

Cover for Get in Trouble


This is a short sto­ry col­lec­tion, so it can't be any­thing but un­even. It's al­so a Kel­ly Link short sto­ry col­lec­tion, so the highs are very high, and the lows are nice.

The Brad­bury-in­spired Sum­mer Peo­ple and Two Hous­es are now up there with The Faerie Bag in my hy­po­thet­i­cal list of mod­ern fairy tales.

Both su­per hero sto­ries bring a mix of mis­tery and po­et­ry to a genre that, let's be hon­est, lacks both, be­ing as de­fined by mythos-in-a-­can as it is.

High­ly rec­om­mend­ed to ev­ery­one.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina