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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Three Parts Dead (Craft Sequence, #1)

Cover for Three Parts Dead (Craft Sequence, #1)


CSI: church?

Lots of world­build­ing, done the right way, with­out get­ting in the way of plot. And what a plot. The au­thor has so many ideas that he throws away things that would be, in oth­er hand­s, whole nov­el­s, per­haps trilo­gies. Para­phras­ing:

"Yeah, I left home and climbed a rain­bow to study witch­craft in a gi­ant school in the cloud­s, there I had a fall­ing out with an evil teach­er who was a life-­force vam­pire, so I burned out his lab, and the school's fac­ul­ty then tried to kill me and made me fall from heav­en, but let's not talk about that now, and let's fo­cus in this res­ur­rect­ing-a-­god thing.".

Al­so, gar­goyles, vam­pires, pi­rates, witch­es, wiz­ard­s, zom­bies, golem­s, talk­ing hors­es, and pi­rate-­vam­pires.

Could­n't wait to start the next one in the se­ries.

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