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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Advogato post for 2001-06-25 19:40:33

Another day, another Conectiva no-show.

Fri­day morn­ing: call this per­son on mon­day morn­ing, she will tell you how to get the mon­ey.

I call that per­son all morn­ing, and all af­ter­noon: her phone is dis­con­nect­ed. Ha ha ha.

I am re­al­ly start­ing to think some­body is just pulling my leg here.

You know, sort of "let's see what Rober­to will do if we keep him poor for an­oth­er 4 days".

I would send them a le­gal no­tice... if they had an ad­dress where I could send such a thing.

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