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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

And finally....

Some­one who both­ered pick­ing up all the docs of the _re­al_ blog­ger API. I hope ;-)

More Blogger API shenanigans

Ok, so ed­it­Post, which _is_ in the 1.0 API does­n't work. I am ob­vi­ous­ly us­ing the wrong API ref­er­ence. Any­way, the plug­in work­s, ex­cept you can't ed­it stuff that's al­ready post­ed. Up­load­ed to CVS and ev­ery­thing.

Blogger API sucks

Or I am miss­ing some­thing. I mean:

  • No way to list the post­s?

  • No way to fetch a post tex­t?

So, if you mi­grate to an­oth­er serv­er... you are screwed? If you lose your clien­t's lo­cal ver­sion, you are screwed?

Well, at least it's easy to write ;-)

I opened a blogspot ac­count to test:


Code cleanup

I did some small code cleanup in bartle­blog, the ad­voga­to plug­in now works ok, I will start work in a blog­ger plug­in.

Af­ter that:

  • A semi-de­­cent ed­i­­tor. Maybe HT­M­L, maybe struc­­tured-­­tex­t, who knows

  • GUI cleanup and pret­ti­­fy­­ca­­tion

  • Plug­ins for a few more PyDS tools

  • Pub­­lic an­­nouce­­men­t? Who knows.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina