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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Stuff distros don't include

For dif­fer­ent clients, I am hav­ing to in­stall pro­grams that for some rea­son dis­tros don't in­clude.

Couri­er-imap, a dozen perl mod­ules, ne­tatalk... why aren't they in Red Hat or oth­er main­stream dis­tros? Sure, De­bian has them, but I don't like De­bian.

Oh, well. They are easy to rp­m-ize, so I just do it my­self. But then I have no place to put them so oth­ers can use it.

Does it mean I should be­come part of some­thing like fe­do­ra or some­such? I don't want to main­tain them forever!

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina