Happy birthday to me.
Just that.
Just that.
I have been a big fan of apt4rpm ever since I worked at Conectiva (the guys who created the thing).
Managing Red Hat and Fedora servers without it would be a PITA.
Sadly, I see lots of people who don't know about it, or know, but don't use it to its fullest. So, here's a few tips...
Ok, I want to retire my notebook. It's about to turn 10 years old, which is about 270 in notebook years, so it's time.
I've been researching a bit, and here's my requirements:
Cheap. About USD 950 would be fine
Enough power to run KDE decently.
Should work with linux. Nothing very fancy, but it being able to suspend would be nice ;-)
DVD reader, CD writer. DVD writer would be nicer but consider cost.
I've been looking tenderly at a Averatec 3220. It seems to fulfill all the requirements except it seems not to work so well with Linux.
Before anyone say it's not powerful enough: My desktop has a slower CPU (A Duron) and I like it just fine.
The screen is rather smallish, but that's part of being small and light, I consider the 12" screen a plus.
If anyone knows of a better system in this price range (the Averatec can be found for about USD 890 or so), or of a cheaper way to get one, please comment here!
Are you using a RPM or DEB based system? Are you using a program and can't find it in packaged form?
Are you tired of wondering what program you don't use anymore installed all that crap in /usr/local?
Then this article is for you. Learn how to create your own RPMs, that you can later uninstall, upgrade, and share with other computers and users, without much of a headache, thanks to checkinstall.
Should start posting stuff again now. Wait, this is a post! Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy!
Lots of things happened in this very long break, so I won't bother even mentioning any of them, except one, which I promised to.
I am in love. And I will, as promised (to her), post a little love letter in my blog, and invite comments.
Since the long postless period probably means nobody reads my page anymore except when finding it via google, I invite anyone reading it in planetkde or wherever, to go to my page using the handy link that should be somewhere around this text, and post a comment if you want.
Be nice, please, because deleting comments from pycs is somewhat of a chore.
And here it goes:
Rosario, I love you. Sometimes you think I don't, but that's just because my skills of facial and verbal expression are awful. I love you when you act silly, or pout, or say wild stuff.
I don't love you because you pout or act silly, but pouting and sillyness is simply the accent, loveliness is the language that you speak, and I can't do anyhting but listen to it.
These last two months have been mostly happy for me, and when they weren't, they were happier than they would have been without you, and I hope you felt the same thing.
Now you blush, girl.
Comming soon, the usual technical drivel.