What is flexibility
Ok, a rant.
A word you see a lot on the free software (whatever) circles, is flexibility.
In particular, people always like to say how a certain program, or operating system, is flexible.
For example, some people say gentoo (or GNOME, or KDE, or fvwm) is flexible.
Poor misguided souls. They should say they are configurable.
Flexible doesn't mean configurable!
A flexible program will handle many different conditions without user intervention (or with minimal intervention). The metaphore is that flexible objects are bent with minimal force.
Kudzu (or Knoppix's hwconfig) is flexible.
Recompiling your kernel to statically link a new driver is inflexible.
If you think that just because you can manually reconfigure your system into a bazillion different configurations, your system is flexible, then you surely agree that marble is flexible.
After all, you can turn marble into many different statues, all different!
No, silly putty is flexible, because you can shape it into different forms easily and quickly and with little effort.
If in order to change the ink settings on your printer you need to create a new printing queue, or print to a file and perform a magic incantation with a .ps file, your printing system is not flexible.
In fact, the only remotely flexible printing system on Linux is CUPS. The rest are rigid, inflexible and bad at their work (at least the ones I know).
If in order to access a device someone tries to use you have to reconfigure your system, or download more stuff, or hunt for a driver, or rebuild your kernel, or recompile applications, your system is broken.
If you think that your system is flexible just because after applying force to your system it performs, you are wrong. Your system is rigid, and you are the flexible buffer that is adapting, it's like a bakelite rod wrapped in rubberfoam. And you are the foam.
You know, when you take an inflexible object and you try to make it adapt to something, it breaks. That's why inflexible software is broken so often.
Since almost everyone has this silly idea about what flexible means, I will probably start using malleable or plastic instead.
Thank you very much, try the veal, I'll be here until thursday.
Strange w3m screenshot
I tried the w3m text-mode web browser. It suddenly started displaying images inside my konsole window!
How the heck did that happen??? Not even the w3m webpage suggests it can do that :-)
And yes, that's just a plain old konsole (it works on xterm, too), and I am running w3m-
Aggregate all KDE/Qt blogs!
Someone wih good bandwidth should do it.
Like Planetgnome, only about something interesting ;-)
Double feature at the Electric
Sometimes, on saturday afternoons, I am a cheap bastard. When that happens, I go to the Electric.
The Electric is an old cinema, that shows two movies (usually 6-month old releases) for $4.50.
That´s 4.50 as in pesos. Roughly 1.5 Euros. As I said, on saturday aternoons, I am a cheap bastard.
The programmer there is probably a crotchety old geezer who has seen 89000 movies in fity years, but the pairings he comes up with are a thing o beauty.
Right now, you can see Secret Window with Taking Lifes. Or Hidalgo with a Denzel Washington movie. Or Startsky & Hutch with Master and Commander (!?!)
I chose the first menu, armed myself with a radioactive-yellow drink called Pomelo Neuss, and prepared to see Mr. Depp get weird.
I had read rather bad reviews of both movies, and was surprised to like both of them.
Secret Window
I must confess I have read almost everything Stephen King published (noone has read everything he publishe, including him), and liked, when younger, a lot of it. I hadn´t read this one, though.
It´s a unusual movie. The opening through-the-mirror shot is damn good, and makes lots of sense in the end.
Depp is a disturbed individual. Here he plays a crazed person.
Taking lives
It features Angelina Jolie´s naked breasts. That´s an automatic two-star movie at least. It´s also not a bad thriller, although it has enough plot holes to drive a truck into them.
The double feature (spoilers)
Amazingly, both movies are about the same subject. In one, a man contains two souls, in another, a soul so dislikes his human vessel, it reformats it into others through murder.
The clinical term for the first case is schizophrenia, for the second there isn´t one because it only exists in fiction.
The idea of a person loathing himself so much he wishes to become someone else appears for example in Les Miserables. Here we have Jean Valjean as a psycho.
Jean Valjean is shown goodness by a priest, and decides to become good, and he becomes a respected man, then he is shown evil in law, and becomes a father, and a fugitive.
Here, the assassin is shown contempt by his mother, and becomes a hermit crab, changin human shells, becoming someone else for a few years at a time, over and over.
And Javert is played by Jolie, looking damn good in discrete white blouses and black suits (she should keep dressing that way).
In Secret Window Depp is harassed by himself, and ends the movie by embracing his other personality, and is, in the end, thoroughly happy with himself.
As you can see, the characters in both movies are victims of self-esteem issues, of different kinds.
I am writing this on a public computer, and the keyboard is sticky. In particular, the d often fails. So, some letters may be missing.