Tyr's Hammer: A Foreworld SideQuest (The Foreworld Saga)
Review:A nice sidequest, a story with a touch of the supernatural. Fun short read. |
Review:A nice sidequest, a story with a touch of the supernatural. Fun short read. |
I don't do product reviews often, but this keyboard is a special case:
Disclaimer I bought this keyboard with my own money and nobody ever gives me any toys to play with. Come on, companies, give me free stuff, please?
Anyway, this is my review after using it for a couple of days.
Typing in this is pure pleasure. I like the linear red switches because they feel almost exactly like a Commodore 64, which is the typing feeling I associate with my childhood and early adolescence, better than the tactile blue switches which I associate with IBM model M keyboards and my later, not so happy teenage years.
The keycaps are double-shot ABS plastic, which I like enough. While I may have liked them to be a bit more textured they are ok, not too smooth, they are not mushy, they don't jiggle.
It's not even all that loud, while still being satisfyingly clacky.
I am a sucker for how this looks. I hate the black-with-red-or-rgb-lights gamer-keyboard look (specially since I am not a gamer!) this baby has white keys on a silver body with white backlight and a "naked" profile exposing the switches.
The backlight has three levels (and off) and can do a "breathe" effect and that's it. So, basically, it lets you type in the dark if you need to look at keys and not much else. Which is enough for most grownups.
The dedicated arrow keys are nice, all the keys are in reasonable positions and have decent sizes.
It comes with a keycap-extractor, a USB cable and a carrying pouch. Nothing fancy but more than good enough.
I would love for this to have two more keys.
There is no Home
key (Fn-End
is Home
) which is ... not terrible.
There is no ~
For a Linux user and software developer that is a pain in the butt because ~
means "home folder". For a spanish speaker it's even worse because ~n
is how we type ñ
which is, you know, a letter we need to use because "año" means "year" but "ano" means butthole. So it's kinda important.
In this keyboard that character is Fn+Shift+Esc
which is just too awkward.
Yes, I know how to fix it!
I could remap that key to ~
but then I have no Esc
key which sucks when using vim. So, I remapped Esc
to Caps Lock
and voilá, the keyboard is usable (but a bit weird)
# This is the easy way
xmodmap -e 'clear Lock' -e 'keycode 0x09 = dead_tilde grave'\
-e 'keycode 0x42 = Escape'
I was expecting the bluetooth in this keyboard to suck because it's BT 3.0 but I had no idea the depths and variety of the ways in which it sucks.
But also:
In wired mode, Fn+=
is F12
a key I use a lot because it drops down my terminal.
In BT mode, Fn+=
is Volume up
, which in wired mode is Fn+n
... which still works in BT mode.
So, in BT mode I have no function keys at all, and have multimedia keys in two places.
But that's not all!
This keyboard supports three devices simultaneously. You switch between them using Fn+Q | W | E
and there is a nice LED indicator at the top of the keyboard that shows on what mode you are in by changing color.
Here, let me show it to you:
The problem is, when you are actually using the keyboard, this is how you (don't) see them:
So, just ignore that this keyboard even has a BT mode and learn to love the cable.
There are no movable "feet", it has a small incline, and it's ok, the angle is nice. BUT... it's not perfectly level. There is a tiny wobble between the lower-right and upper-left. Sure, I just shim a little thing in there and it's fixed, but this keyboard is not very cheap so this surprised me.
It's ok? It's probably better for people who are not spanish-speaking linux-users.
It´s probably a better idea to get a more well-known brand, and/or a cheaper keyboard if you are going to gamble on buying them sight-unseen.
Am I happy I got it? yeah. Even as I am writing this not-very-complimentary review I am happily clacking away with a smile on my face.
The layout needed tweaking but is ok now, the feel is awesome, and it looks great on my desk.
Esto es algo que aparentemente escribí en 2016 y nunca publiqué en ningún lado.
De acuerdo a mi investigación hay sólo tres lugares en el mundo en que no se puede hacer café.
El primero es la cima del monte Everest. Quince años de entrenamiento y trabajo me permitieron amasar un buen estado físico y una fortuna considerable, que utilicé para ser el primer hombre en pagarle a un sherpa para que lleve una olla a presión hasta la cima.
Con esa olla a presión y una estufa de camping logré hacer un decente café a la turca superando los inconvenientes causados por la baja presión atmosférica y el frío. No es mi tipo favorito de café, pero zafa.
El segundo lugar es Corea del Norte. Desde que el Adorado Líder asumió el poder a la edad de 12 años el café está estrictamente prohibido. Algunos dicen que es porque cuando Líder tenía 5 se quemó con un café que tomaba su padre -- Iluminado Guía, gran fan del espresso -- que reaccionó riéndose de su dolor. Desde ese día juró con el empecinamiento que solo puede tener un nene de cinco que cuando llegara al poder eliminaría esa horrenda bebida de la faz de la tierra.
Incluso, fuentes generalmente bien informadas rumoran que mientras alimentaba a sus perros mascota con la carne aún tibia de su recientemente depuesto padre, Adorado decía algo que se podría traducir aproximadamente como "pedite un café ahora, hijo de mil putas".
Casi el veintidós por ciento del producto bruto de Corea del Norte está dedicado a la protección de sus fronteras, donde ingresar café o sus derivados es causa de ejecución sumaria.
Por suerte, la actual crisis económica y subsecuente hambruna me permitieron, camouflado como donación humanitaria de latas de ananá, ingresar 50 gramos de café hasta las cercanías de Pyonyang, donde un grupo de comandos me infiltraron una noche junto con mi confiable cafetera de prensa francesa, y pude, en una fogata alimentada con la bosta de la penúltima vaca de la granja colectiva número 12, preparar un razonable cortado con leche del mismo animal que proveyó el combustible.
El tercer lugar es Ophir, en la falda occidental de las montañas Oquirrh.
Seguramente no estaba en los planes de Aaric Smith y sus esposas Aaronica, Arva y Zoleen, al formar su pequeño y herética escición de la ya extraña facción mormona en la que habían sido criados, que la deficiencia en su escolaridad los llevaría a pronunciar mal determinadas oraciones, y por pura coincidencia invocar al único dios verdadero, Osther.
Por pura coincidencia, durante siglos los mormones de Utah crearon progresivamente el culto de Osther, única entidad sobrenatural del multiverso, que hasta ese momento había transcurrido su existencia ignorando la misma existencia de la materia.
Al comenzar a familiarizarse con los dogmas de su propia religión, Osther tuvo dificultades para distinguir entre lo importante y las prohibiciones idiosincráticas de la secta de Aaric, Aarónica y Arva (Zoleen decidió que si Osther existía, entonces ella prefería ser atea, y se mudó a Provo para conocer la vida de la metrópolis)
Por los problemas de Osther en comprender (ser sobrenatural no quiere decir que uno sea brillante), el peor pecado en el Osther-mormonismo resultó ser el consumo de bebidas estimulantes, castigado con la inmediata disolución del alma del pecador, seguido, para no levantar sospechas, de la traslocación del cuerpo del mismo a Las Vegas, donde la carencia de alma no resulta evidente.
Estoy pensando el plan. Tengo una cierta idea. Peor de los casos, nos vemos en Las Vegas.
Esto es un ta-te-ti (con jugador humano y/o programado!) que hice en algún momento de 2016.
import copy
board = {
'A': [' ', ' ', ' '],
'B': [' ', ' ', ' '],
'C': [' ', ' ', ' '],
def print_board():
for i in "ABC":
print(" | {} | {} | {} |".format(*board[i]))
def check_winner_state(board, mark):
for i in "ABC":
if board[i] == [mark, mark, mark]:
return True
for j in [0,1,2]:
if [board["A"][j], board["B"][j], board["C"][j]] == [mark, mark, mark]:
return True
if [board["A"][0],board["B"][1],board["C"][2]] == [mark, mark, mark]:
return True
if [board["A"][2],board["B"][1],board["C"][0]] == [mark, mark, mark]:
return True
return False
players_marks = "XO"
player_names = {}
for mark in players_marks:
whatever = input("Enter your name for %s" % mark)
player_names[mark] = whatever
def human_player(mark):
return input("Enter turn {}: ".format(mark)).upper()
def computer_player(mark):
# Try everything and see if you can win
other_mark = set(players_marks) - set(mark)
for i in 'ABC':
for j in 0,1,2:
_b = copy.deepcopy(board)
if _b[i][j] != ' ':
_b[i][j] = mark
if check_winner_state(_b, mark):
return i+str(j+1)
# So, we can't win. Try not to lose
for i in 'ABC':
for j in 0,1,2:
_b = copy.deepcopy(board)
if _b[i][j] != ' ':
_b[i][j] = other_mark
if check_winner_state(_b, other_mark):
return i+str(j+1)
# fuck it
for i in 'ABC':
for j in 0,1,2:
if board[i][j] == ' ':
return i+str(j+1)
players = [computer_player, computer_player]
selector = 0
while True:
turn = selector % 2
mark = players_marks[turn]
inp = players[turn](mark)
if len(inp) != 2: # A1
print("Bad format: ", inp)
x, y = inp
if x not in "ABC" or y not in "123":
print("Bad format: ", inp)
y = int(y)-1
if board[x][y] != ' ':
print("Position taken: ", inp)
# mark the input
board[x][y] = mark
if check_winner_state(board, mark):
print("%s, you are the winner, congrats!" % player_names[mark])
if selector == 8:
print("No more goes, no one wins, sorry :(")
selector += 1
This is something I wrote in 2007 for a site that is already dead.
I read once that the way to make crazy money in the internets to post lists and write non-fiction about sex.
Here's my attempt at bringing eight new perversions to this tired world.
Groucho Marx would have hated it, but nowadays there is always a club that will accept you if you are willing to accept that you want to join.
Do you enjoy watching apparently gay minotaurs? Have a perversion about people with extra members? Head for http://www.boytaur.net (and no, I will not explain how I knew about that site).
Are you aroused by the thought of stepping on bugs? Believe you are an animal trapped in a human body? The idea of alien mind control turns you on? Enjoy dildos made out of legos? There are places where you will not be considered a weirdo (but you are. Oh, yes you are).
Logosphilia: Sexual arousement caused by knowledge. This word actually exists, at least as the title of a blog. I would explain more, but logosphiliacs know all about it, and for the rest of us it's an incredibly boring condition.
Taediphilia: The taediphiliac enjoys boredom. However, this perversion is just sad. Imagine that boredom gives you wood. Wood entertains you. Entertainment kills the wood. And your life is a spin cycle of unfulfillment.
Ortophilia: Being excited by what's right. This rare condition causes all kinds of strange symptoms. The sufferer prefers the missionary position, disdains oral sex, only feels sexual attraction to his spouse and actually means it when he says he would be happy to just cuddle.
Uniformophilia: Excessive love for things that are regular. The rare uniformophiliac would love to have sex with twins, but he's too busy trimming his sideburns just right.
Nihilophilia: Sexual perversion where you are attracted to the concept of nothing. Obviously masturbatory at the beginning, the subject soon realizes that when he is enjoying himself he is actually there, which kills the buzz. On a later stage, the nihiliphiliac pretends that he is excited but hiding it, when in reality he actually is not. Ergo, since noone is having fun, he finds that extremely exciting.
Phobiophilia: Excessive enjoyment of one's fears. Noone confesses to this perversion, since admitting it in public would be scary, which would cause arousal, which would be embarrasing, unless the subject is also scared of audiences, which would make him enjoy the attention. It basically means that you would act completely against your own inclinations. All mountain climbers are acrophobic phobiophiliacs.
Philiophilia: Sexual perversion where you try one perversion after another in vain search of one you actually enjoy. If that describes you, you are not an actual pervert. You are a boring person and just try to look interesting in a self-destructive and noisy manner.
Albumistanumerophilia is the love of lists of numbers. And if you have it, you will hate the fact that this article ends here.