Ta Te Ti
Esto es un ta-te-ti (con jugador humano y/o programado!) que hice en algún momento de 2016.
import copy
board = {
'A': [' ', ' ', ' '],
'B': [' ', ' ', ' '],
'C': [' ', ' ', ' '],
def print_board():
for i in "ABC":
print(" | {} | {} | {} |".format(*board[i]))
def check_winner_state(board, mark):
for i in "ABC":
if board[i] == [mark, mark, mark]:
return True
for j in [0,1,2]:
if [board["A"][j], board["B"][j], board["C"][j]] == [mark, mark, mark]:
return True
if [board["A"][0],board["B"][1],board["C"][2]] == [mark, mark, mark]:
return True
if [board["A"][2],board["B"][1],board["C"][0]] == [mark, mark, mark]:
return True
return False
players_marks = "XO"
player_names = {}
for mark in players_marks:
whatever = input("Enter your name for %s" % mark)
player_names[mark] = whatever
def human_player(mark):
return input("Enter turn {}: ".format(mark)).upper()
def computer_player(mark):
# Try everything and see if you can win
other_mark = set(players_marks) - set(mark)
for i in 'ABC':
for j in 0,1,2:
_b = copy.deepcopy(board)
if _b[i][j] != ' ':
_b[i][j] = mark
if check_winner_state(_b, mark):
return i+str(j+1)
# So, we can't win. Try not to lose
for i in 'ABC':
for j in 0,1,2:
_b = copy.deepcopy(board)
if _b[i][j] != ' ':
_b[i][j] = other_mark
if check_winner_state(_b, other_mark):
return i+str(j+1)
# fuck it
for i in 'ABC':
for j in 0,1,2:
if board[i][j] == ' ':
return i+str(j+1)
players = [computer_player, computer_player]
selector = 0
while True:
turn = selector % 2
mark = players_marks[turn]
inp = players[turn](mark)
if len(inp) != 2: # A1
print("Bad format: ", inp)
x, y = inp
if x not in "ABC" or y not in "123":
print("Bad format: ", inp)
y = int(y)-1
if board[x][y] != ' ':
print("Position taken: ", inp)
# mark the input
board[x][y] = mark
if check_winner_state(board, mark):
print("%s, you are the winner, congrats!" % player_names[mark])
if selector == 8:
print("No more goes, no one wins, sorry :(")
selector += 1