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Rater progresses (slowly)

I am hack­ing a bit on rater my dae­mon/­client to see if things are hap­pen­ing more of­ten than they should (in oth­er word­s, gener­ic rate lim­it­ing).

I had to take a few days of­f, since my broth­er got mar­ried and we all went back to San­ta Fe for that and a week­end, and then ev­ery­one else has sore throats and I am the on­ly one healthy.

But hey, it works well enough al­ready:

  • The sim­­plis­tic pro­­to­­col is done

  • The serv­er works

    • It can take hours of gib­ber­ish with­­­out prob­lem­s.

    • It can take hours of valid in­­­put with­­­out prob­lem­s.

    • It does what it's sup­­­posed to do.

  • It's stay­ing be­low 300S­LOC, which was my goal.

Miss­ing stuff:

  • Val­­grind it.

  • Client li­brary.

  • Gen­er­ic CLI clien­t.

  • A qmail-spp plug­in that us­es it.

And then, I can for­get all about it.

Please, KDE marketing guys, start showboating!

I am no longer on plan­etKDE so this will prob­a­bly not be read by many in the KDE com­mu­ni­ty but...

Please, please, please start mak­ing big noise about the Asus eee. It ships with KDE and is ex­pect­ed to sell "up to 500.000 by mid­dle of next year and 5,000,000 by 2009" [1].

Is that num­ber not big enough? It's prob­a­bly more than our cur­rent in­stalled base.

Way too excited about the Asus eee

Re­al­ly. I can imag­ine hav­ing one of these as my main com­put­er (with ex­ter­nal HD and mon­i­tor).

I prob­a­bly won't and use my ful­l-­size note­book or a desk­top when at home­/of­fice, but it should take me back to the days when I sim­ply car­ried my Li­bret­to ev­ery­where be­cause it was light enough.

Here's the best re­view I found so far.

Peo­ple wor­ry about the 4GB or 8GB "disk". If you keep your me­dia (ISOs, movies, mu­sic) on an ex­ter­nal HD, you prob­a­bly can have ev­ery­thing else there.

Us­ing rsync to keep two box­es synced... lots of po­ten­tial.

I am prob­a­bly buy­ing two of the cheap ones.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina