Rater progresses (slowly)
I am hacking a bit on rater my daemon/client to see if things are happening more often than they should (in other words, generic rate limiting).
I had to take a few days off, since my brother got married and we all went back to Santa Fe for that and a weekend, and then everyone else has sore throats and I am the only one healthy.
But hey, it works well enough already:
The simplistic protocol is done
The server works
It can take hours of gibberish without problems.
It can take hours of valid input without problems.
It does what it's supposed to do.
It's staying below 300SLOC, which was my goal.
Missing stuff:
Valgrind it.
Client library.
Generic CLI client.
A qmail-spp plugin that uses it.
And then, I can forget all about it.