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Posts about rst2pdf (old posts, page 10)

rst2pdf 0.13 released!

I've just up­load­ed the 0.13 ver­sion of rst2pdf, a tool to con­vert re­Struc­tured text to PDF us­ing Re­port­lab to http://rst2pdf.­google­code.­com

rst2pdf sup­ports the full reSt syn­tax, works as a sphinx ex­ten­sion, and has many ex­tras like lim­it­ed sup­port for TeX-­less math, SVG im­ages, em­bed­ding frag­ments from PDF doc­u­ments, True Type font em­bed­ding, and much more.

This is a ma­jor ver­sion, and has lots of im­prove­ments over 0.12.3, in­clud­ing but not lim­it­ed to:

  • New TOC code (sup­­ports dots be­tween ti­­tle and page num­ber)

  • New ex­ten­­sion frame­­work

  • New pre­pro­ces­­sor ex­ten­­sion

  • New vec­­tor­pdf ex­ten­­sion

  • Sup­­port for nest­ed stylesheets

  • New head­­er­Sep­a­ra­­tor/­­foot­erSep­a­ra­­tor stylesheet op­­tions

  • Fore­­ground im­age sup­­port (use­­ful for wa­ter­­mark­s)

  • Sup­­port tran­s­­paren­­cy (al­pha chan­nel) when spec­i­­fy­ing col­ors

  • Inkscape ex­ten­­sion for much bet­ter SVG sup­­port

  • Abil­i­­ty to show to­­tal page count in head­­er/­­foot­er

  • New RSON for­­mat for stylesheets (J­­SON su­per­set)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 267: Sup­­port :align: in fig­ures

  • Fixed Is­­sue 174 re­­gres­­sion (In­­den­t­ed lines in line block­­s)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 276: Load stylesheets from strings

  • Fixed Is­­sue 275: Ex­­tra space be­­fore lineblocks

  • Fixed Is­­sue 262: Full sup­­port for Re­­port­lab 2.4

  • Fixed Is­­sue 264: Split­t­ing er­ror in some doc­u­­ments

  • Fixed Is­­sue 261: As­sert er­ror with wor­­daxe

  • Fixed Is­­sue 251: added sup­­port for rst2pdf ex­ten­­sions when us­ing sphinx

  • Fixed Is­­sue 256: ug­­ly crash when us­ing SVG im­ages with­­out SVG sup­­port

  • Fixed Is­­sue 257: sup­­port aafig­ure when us­ing sphinx/pdf­builder

  • In­i­­tial sup­­port for graphviz ex­ten­­sion in pdf­builder

  • Fixed Is­­sue 249: Im­ages dis­­­tort­ed when speci­­fiy­ing width and height

  • Fixed Is­­sue 252: math di­rec­­tive con­flic­t­ed with sphinx

  • Fixed Is­­sue 224: Ta­bles can be left­­/­­cen­ter/right aligned in the page.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 243: Wrong spac­ing for sec­ond para­­graphs in bul­let list­s.

  • Big refac­­tor­ing of the code.

  • Sup­­port for Python 2.4

  • Ful­­ly re­­worked test suit­­e, con­t­in­u­ous in­­te­­gra­­tion site.

  • Op­­tion­al­­ly use SWFtools for PDF im­ages

  • Fixed Is­­sue 231 (S­­marter TTF au­­toem­bed)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 232 (HTML tags in ti­­tle meta­­data)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 247 (print­­ing stylesheet)

rst2pdf 0.12.2: minor bugfix release

I just up­load­ed rst2pdf 0.12.2 to http://rst2pdf.­google­code.­com Rst2pdf is a tool to gen­er­ate PDF files di­rect­ly from re­struc­tured text sources via re­port­lab.

This re­lease fix­es a ma­jor bug (in­com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with re­port­lab 2.1) as well as sev­er­al mi­nor ones and adds a mi­nor fea­ture (bet­ter styling of list item­s).

For more de­tail­s, you can see the changel­og

rst2pdf 0.12.1: minor bugfix release

I just up­load­ed rst2pdf 0.12.1 to http://rst2pdf.­google­code.­com

Rst2pdf is a tool to gen­er­ate PDF files di­rect­ly from re­struc­tured text sources via re­port­lab.

This re­lease has no new fea­tures, just a few bugs fixed.

For more in­for­ma­tion, see the changel­og

In an­oth­er rst2pdf-re­lat­ed note: some­one at the Uni­ver­si­tat Po­litec­ni­ca de Catalun­ya likes rst2pdf :-)

rst2pdf 0.12 released!

It's my plea­sure to an­nounce the re­lease of rst2pdf ver­sion 0.12, avail­able at http://­code.­google.­com/p/rst2pdf/­down­load­s/list

Rst2pdf is a tool to gen­er­ate PDF files di­rect­ly from re­struc­tured text sources via re­port­lab.

Rst2pdf aims to sup­port the full re­struc­tured text fea­ture set, and is very close to that goal, while al­so in­clud­ing some of the more ex­per­i­men­tal fea­tures, like a source code di­rec­tive with syn­tax high­light­ing and math no­ta­tion sup­port with La­TeX-­like syn­tax.

It sup­ports em­bed­ding ar­bi­trary fonts, both True Type and PS Type 1, both raster and vec­tor im­ages (in­clud­ing SVG and PDF), page tran­si­tion ef­fect­s, mul­ti­ple, flex­i­ble page lay­out­s, cas­cad­ing styles, and much, much more.

This ver­sion in­cludes many bug­fix­es and MANY new fea­tures com­pared to the pre­vi­ous 0.11 ver­sion, in­clud­ing but not lim­it­ed to bet­ter styling, in­te­gra­tion with sphinx, a very raw, pre­lim­i­nar graph­i­cal fron­tend called bookrest, kern­ing sup­port (via wor­dax­e), and a much more pow­er­ful ta­ble im­ple­men­ta­tion.

In fac­t, this re­lease has so much new code it needs tester­s! I would con­sid­er it be­ta qual­i­ty, and may (prob­a­bly will) have some rough spot­s.

You can find more in­for­ma­tion about rst2pdf in its home page ( http://rst2pdf.­google­code.­com), and ask any­thing you want in the rst2pdf-dis­cuss mail­ing list (http://­group­s.­google.­com/­group/rst2pdf-dis­cuss)

A list of im­prove­ments and changes in this ver­sion is just too long, but is avail­able at the changel­og

I hope you en­joy this pro­gram!

In oth­er news, Google just found me two nice things re­lat­ed to rst2pdf:

  1. A tu­­to­ri­al to use sphinx and rst2pdf for ja­­pa­­nese texts: http://d.hate­­

  2. It looks like a rst2pdf 0.11 bi­­na­ry for win­­dows is shipped by pythonxy here: http://­­code.­­google.­­com/p/pythonxy/­­down­load­­s/de­­tail?­­name=rst2pdf-0.11_py26.exe I will link to that!

I love when peo­ple do things like these :-)

Bookrest: the stylesheet editor in action

As usu­al, a video show­ing it:

The cur­rent sta­tus is that the in­fra­struc­ture re­quired for the stylesheet ed­i­tor is in place:

  • I fig­ured out how to turn the StyleSheet ob­­ject back in­­­to a JSON stylesheet.

  • The changes are done and merged back in­­­to the same file.

  • There is UI for 3 of the 6 re­quired pieces. The mis­s­ing ones are text styles, em­bed­d­ed fonts, and con­­fig op­­tions (like, break sub­­sec­­tions to odd pages)

  • The UI for the whole app is pret­­ty rough, I am in full make-it-­­func­­tion­al mode right now. It will be rethought lat­er on.

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