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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Bookrest: the stylesheet editor in action

As usu­al, a video show­ing it:

The cur­rent sta­tus is that the in­fra­struc­ture re­quired for the stylesheet ed­i­tor is in place:

  • I fig­ured out how to turn the StyleSheet ob­­ject back in­­­to a JSON stylesheet.

  • The changes are done and merged back in­­­to the same file.

  • There is UI for 3 of the 6 re­quired pieces. The mis­s­ing ones are text styles, em­bed­d­ed fonts, and con­­fig op­­tions (like, break sub­­sec­­tions to odd pages)

  • The UI for the whole app is pret­­ty rough, I am in full make-it-­­func­­tion­al mode right now. It will be rethought lat­er on.

Harry Goz / 2010-08-27 20:56:

This looks fantastic for a number of reasons. I would love to try it/take a look at the source if you would oblige

Roberto Alsina / 2010-08-27 22:16:

Go ahead, here it is:

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