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Video: My lightning talk about Peter Norvig's spellchecker (in spanish)

Thanks to Nicolás Pace, I got a video of the Py­con Ar­genti­na 2009 light­ning talk­s.

So, af­ter fight­ing my ig­no­rance of video edit­ing, here is my own talk, about Pe­ter Norvig's spellcheck­er, spliced with the slides.

If you want a bet­ter qual­i­ty ver­sion of the slides, they are here

There is a prob­lem in that no mat­ter how I cut the orig­i­nal hour-­long video, re­gard­less of what tool I use, the sound gets out of sync, so I look kin­da odd. I will try to do an­oth­er ver­sion from the orig­i­nal video lat­er on.

So, here it is:

Edit­ed with kden­live: crashy but cool and easy

marcos / 2009-10-02 18:20:

:+: Increíble Roberto. Felicitaciones por la charla!

Roberto Alsina / 2009-10-02 18:44:

@marcos: gracias :-D

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