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Posts about rst2pdf (old posts, page 11)

rst2pdf 0.90 is out

Yes, af­ter many moon­s, it's out. Here is the (as usu­al) in­com­plete changel­og:

  • Added raw HTML sup­­port, by Dim­itri Christodoulou

  • Fixed Is­­sue 422: Hav­ing no .afm files made font lookup slow.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 411: Some­­times the win­­dows reg­istry has the font's ab­s­path.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 430: Us­ing --­­con­­fig op­­tion caused oth­­er op­­tions to be ig­nored (by charles at cstan­hope dot com)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 436: Add pdf_style_­­path to sphinx (by tyler@­­datas­­tax.­­com)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 428: page num­bers logged as er­rors

  • Added sup­­port for many pyg­­ments op­­tions in code-block (by Joaquin So­ri­anel­lo)

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed Is­­sue 404: plan­­tuml sup­­port

  • Is­­sue 399: sup­­port sphinx's tem­­plate path op­­tion

  • Fixed Is­­sue 406: calls to the wrong log­ging func­­tion

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed Is­­sue 391: New --­sec­­tion-­­head­­er-depth op­­tion.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 390: the --­­con­­fig op­­tion was ig­nored.

  • Added sup­­port for many pyg­­ments op­­tions in code-block (by Joaquin So­ri­anel­lo)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 379: Wrong style ap­­plied to para­­graphs in de­f­i­ni­­tion­s.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 378: Mul­ti­­line :ad­­dress: were shown col­lapsed.

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed Is­­sue 11: Frame­Break (and con­di­­tion­al Frame­Break)

  • The de­scrip­­tion of frames in page tem­­plates was just wrong.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 374: in some cas­es, lit­er­al blocks were split in­­­side a page, or the page­break came too ear­­ly.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 370: warn­ing about sphinx.addnodes.high­­­light­lang not be­ing han­­dled re­­moved.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 369: crash in hy­phen­a­tor when spec­i­­fy­ing "en" as a lan­guage.

  • Com­­pat­i­­bil­i­­ty fix to Sphinx 0.6.x (For python 2.7 doc­s)

This re­lease did not fo­cus on Sphinx bugs, so those are prob­a­bly still there. Hope­ful­ly the next round is at­tack­ing those.

Abandonment issues: rst2pdf

Of all the corpses of my pro­ject­s, there is one thatI feel worse about, which is rst2pdf. I feel bad about aband­non­ing sev­er­al, but rst2pdf was ac­tu­al­ly a use­ful tool, used by a bunch of peo­ple, and that it has nev­er gath­ered enough mo­men­tum with oth­er de­vel­op­ers is sad.

So, I will pick it up. I will spend about 4 hours a week on it. The plan is to:

  1. Gath­­er some patch­es that are lin­ger­ing on the is­­sue track­­er

  2. Fix some sim­­ple-ish bugs

  3. Make an­oth­er re­lease with 1) and 2)

And of course:

  1. Not let it fall in dis­­re­­pair again

In the meantime, here is a nice thing I just heard about. Dimitri Christodoulou has hacked rst2pdf so that it can handle the raw:: html directive.

This, dear friends is com­plete­ly nut­s, ab­so­lute­ly out of scope for any giv­en do­cu­tils tool, and just too cool :-)

I will try to hi­jack his code (prop­er cred­it and so on), and in­cor­po­rate it in­to rst2pdf.

And Dim­itri, or any­one else who wants to do cool stuff with rst2pdf: let me know! I will give you com­mit rights im­me­di­ate­ly!

Rst2pdf 0.16 is out!

Fi­nal­ly, a new re­lease of rst2pdf!

You can get it at its site: http://rst2pdf.­google­code.­com

rst2pdf is a tool to con­vert re­struc­tured text (a light, cool markup lan­guage) to PDF us­ing re­port­lab in­stead of La­TeX.

It has been used for many things, from book­s, to mag­a­zi­nes, to brochures, to man­u­al­s, to web­sites and has lots of fea­tures:

  • Font em­bed­d­ing (T­TF or Type1 fonts)

  • Cas­­cad­ing Stylesheets

  • Ex­treme­­ly flex­i­ble plug­in ar­chi­tec­­ture (y­ou can do things like ren­der the head­­ings from ar­bi­­trary SVG files!)

  • Sphinx in­­te­­gra­­tion.

  • Con­­fig­urable page lay­outs

  • Cus­­tom cov­­er pages via tem­­plates

  • And much, much more...

The big­gest change in 0.16 is sure­ly the im­proved sup­port for Sphinx 1.0.x so if you are us­ing Sphinx, you re­al­ly want this ver­sion.

Al­so, it has a ton of bug­fix­es, and a few mi­nor but use­ful new fea­tures.

Here's the whole changel­og if you don't be­lieve me:

  • Fixed Is­­sue 343: Plugged mem­o­ry leak in the RSON pars­er.

  • Fix for Is­­sue 287: there is still a cor­n­er case if you have two sec­­tions with the same ti­tle, at the same lev­­el, in the same page, in dif­fer­­ent files where the links will break.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 367: ger­­man-lo­­cal­ized dates are MM. DD. YYYY so when used in sphinx's tem­­plate cov­­er they ap­­peared weird, like a list item. Fixed with a mi­nor work­around in the tem­­plate.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 366: links to "#" make no sense on a PDF file

  • Made de­f­i­ni­­tions from de­f­i­ni­­tion lists more sty­lable.

  • Moved de­f­i­ni­­tion lists to Split­­Ta­bles, so you can have very long de­f­i­ni­­tion­s.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 318: Im­­ple­­men­t­ed Do­­main spe­­cif­ic in­­dex­es for Sphinx 1.0.x

  • Fixed In­­dex links when us­ing Sphinx/pdf­builder.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 360: Set lit­er­al.­­word­Wrap to None by de­­fault so it does­n't in­­her­it word­Wrap CJK when you use the oth­­er­­wise cor­rect ja­­pa­­nese set­t­ings. In any case, lit­er­al blocks are not sup­­posed to wrap at al­l.

  • Switched pdf­builder to use Split­­Ta­bles by de­­fault (it made no sense not to do it)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 365: some TTF fonts don't val­i­­date but they work any­way.

  • Set a valid de­­fault baseurl for Sphinx (makes it much faster!)

  • New fea­­ture: --use-num­bered-links to show sec­­tion num­bers in links to sec­­tion­s, like "See sec­­tion 2.3 Ter­mi­­na­­tion"

  • Added stylesheets for land­s­cape pa­per sizes (i.e: a4-­­land­s­

  • Fixed Is­­sue 364: Some op­­tions not re­spec­t­ed when passed in per-­­doc op­­tions in sphinx.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 361: mul­ti­­ple line­breaks in line blocks were col­lapsed.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 363: strange char­ac­ters in some cas­es in math di­rec­­tive.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 362: Smarter au­­to-en­­clos­ing of equa­­tions in $...$

  • Fixed Is­­sue 358: --re­al--­­foot­notes de­­faults to False, but help text in­­di­­cates de­­fault is True

  • Fixed Is­­sue 359: Wrong --­­fit-back­­­ground-­­mode help string

  • Fixed Is­­sue 356: mis­s­ing cells if a cell spawns rows and col­umn­s.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 349: Work cor­rec­t­­ly with lan­guages that are avail­able in form aa_bb and not aa (ex­am­­ple: zh_c­n)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 345: give file/­­line in­­­fo when there is an er­ror in a raw PDF di­rec­­tive.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 336: JPEG im­ages should work even with­­out PIL (but give a warn­ing be­­cause sizes will prob­a­bly be wrong)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 351: foot­note/c­i­­ta­­tion re­f­er­ences were gen­er­at­ed in­­­cor­rec­t­­ly, which caused prob­lems if there was a ci­­ta­­tion with the same text as a head­­ing.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 353: bet­ter han­dling of graphviz, so that it works with­­out vec­­tor­pdf but gives a warn­ing about it.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 354: make todo_n­ode from sphinx cus­­tom­iz­a­ble.

  • Fixed bug where nest­ed lists broke page lay­out if the page was smal­l.

  • Smarter --in­­line-links op­­tion

  • New ex­ten­­sion: fan­­cyti­tles, see //ral­si­­­blog/­­post­s/B­B906.html

  • New fea­­ture: tab-width op­­tion in code-block di­rec­­tive (de­­faults to 8).

  • Fixed Is­­sue 340: end­notes/­­foot­notes were not styled.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 339: class names us­ing _ were not us­able.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 335: ug­­ly crash when us­ing im­ages in some spe­­cif­ic places (looks like a re­­port­lab bug)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 329: make the fig­ure align­­men­t/­­class at­tributes work more like La­­TeX than HT­M­L.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 328: list item styles were be­ing ig­nored.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 186: new --use-float­ing-im­ages makes im­ages with :align: set work like in HT­M­L, with the next flow­able flow­ing be­­side it.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 307: head­­er/­­foot­er from stylesheet now sup­­ports in­­­line rest markup and sub­­sti­­tu­­tions de­fined in the main doc­u­­men­t.

  • New pdf_­­toc_depth op­­tion for Sphinx/pdf­builder

  • New pdf_use_­­toc op­­tion for Sphinx/pdf­builder

  • Fixed Is­­sue 308: com­­pat­i­­bil­i­­ty with re­­port­lab from SVN

  • Fixed Is­­sue 323: er­rors in the con­­fig.sam­­ple made it work weird.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 322: Im­age sub­­sti­­tu­­tions did­n't work in doc­u­­ment ti­­tle.

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed Is­­sue 321: un­der­­line and strikethrough avail­able in stylesheet.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 317: Ug­­ly er­ror mes­sage when file does not ex­ist

Extending rst2pdf: easy and powerful

I do al­most all my busi­ness writ­ing (and my book) us­ing re­struc­tured tex­t. And when I want to pro­duce print­-qual­i­ty out­put, I tend to use my own tool, rst2pdf.

It's pop­u­lar, sure­ly my most pop­u­lar pro­gram, but very few know it's al­so ex­treme­ly easy to ex­tend (hat tip to Patrick Maupin, who wrote this part!). And not on­ly that, but you can make it do some amaz­ing stuff with a lit­tle ef­fort.

To show that, let's cre­ate the most daz­zling sec­tion head­ings known to man ( Let's see you do what this ba­by can do in La­TeX ;-).

First: de­fine the prob­lem.

The ti­tles rst2pdf can pro­duce are bor­ing. If you pull ev­ery lever and push ev­ery but­ton, you may end with the ti­tle tex­t, in a Com­ic San­s, right-aligned, in pink let­ter­ing, with av­o­cado-­green back­ground and a red bor­der.

And that's as far as the cus­tomiza­tion ca­pa­bil­i­ties go us­ing stylesheet­s. That's usu­al­ly enough, be­cause rst2pdf is not meant for brochures or some­thing like that (but I have done it).

The re­al prob­lem is that when you get all graph­ic-de­sign­er on rst2pdf, you lose doc­u­ment struc­ture, be­cause you are not be­ing se­man­tic.

Sec­ond: de­fine the goal.

So, imag­ine you want to make a head­ing that looks like this:


The im­age is tak­en from the li­brary of con­gress with some light (and bad) gimp­ing by me to leave that emp­ty space at the left, and the ti­tle was added us­ing Inkscape.

Can you do that with rst2pdf? Hell no you can't. Not with­out cod­ing. So let's code an ex­ten­sion that lets you cre­ate any head­ing you like with­in the lim­its of Inkscape!

First, we cre­ate a SVG tem­plate for the head­ings (it's a bit big be­cause it has the bit­map em­bed­ded).

Three: the im­age-­head­ing flow­able

Suppose you have an image of the heading just like the one above. How would you draw that in a PDF? In reportlab, you do that using flowables which are elements that compose the story that is your document. These flowables are arranged in pages, and that's your PDF.

If you are do­ing a head­ing, there's a bit more, in that you need to add a book­mark, so it ap­pears on the PDF ta­ble of con­tents.

So, here's a flowable that does just that. It's cobbled from pieces inside rst2pdf, and is basically an unholy mix of Heading and MyImage:

class FancyHeading(MyImage):
  '''This is a cross between the Heading flowable, that adds outline
  entries so you have a PDF TOC, and MyImage, that draws images'''

  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
      # The inicialization is taken from rst2pdf.flowables.Heading
      self.stext = kwargs.pop('text')
      # Cleanup title text
      self.stext = re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', unescape(self.stext))
      self.stext = self.stext.strip()

      # Stuff needed for the outline entry
      self.snum = kwargs.pop('snum')
      self.level = kwargs.pop('level')
      self.parent_id= kwargs.pop('parent_id')

      MyImage.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

  def drawOn(self,canv,x,y,_sW):

      ## These two lines are magic.
      #if isinstance(self.parent_id, tuple):

      # Add outline entry. This is copied from rst2pdf.flowables.heading

      if canv.firstSect:
          canv.sectName = self.stext
          if self.snum is not None:
              canv.sectNum = self.snum
              canv.sectNum = ""

                                int(self.level), False)

      # And let MyImage do all the drawing

And how do we tell rst2df to use that instead of a regular Heading? by overriding the TitleHandler class. Here's where the extension magic kicks in.

If you de­fine, in an ex­ten­sion, a class like this:

class FancyTitleHandler(genelements.HandleParagraph, docutils.nodes.title):

Then that class will handle all docutils nodes of class docutils.nodes.title. Here, I just took rst2pdf.genelements.HandleTitle and changed how it works for level-1 headings, making it generate a FancyHeading instead of a Heading... and that's all there is to it.

class FancyTitleHandler(genelements.HandleParagraph, docutils.nodes.title):
  This class will handle title nodes.

  It takes a "titletemplate.svg", replaces TITLEGOESHERE with
  the actual title text, and draws that using the FancyHeading flowable
  (see below).

  Since this class is defined in an extension, it
  effectively replaces rst2pdf.genelements.HandleTitle.

  def gather_elements(self, client, node, style):
      # This method is copied from the HandleTitle class
      # in rst2pdf.genelements.

      # Special cases: (Not sure this is right ;-)
      if isinstance(node.parent, docutils.nodes.document):
          #node.elements = [Paragraph(client.gen_pdftext(node),
          # The visible output is now done by the cover template
          node.elements = []
          client.doc_title = node.rawsource
          client.doc_title_clean = node.astext().strip()
      elif isinstance(node.parent, docutils.nodes.topic):
          node.elements = [Paragraph(client.gen_pdftext(node),
      elif isinstance(node.parent, docutils.nodes.Admonition):
          node.elements = [Paragraph(client.gen_pdftext(node),
      elif isinstance(node.parent, docutils.nodes.table):
          node.elements = [Paragraph(client.gen_pdftext(node),
      elif isinstance(node.parent, docutils.nodes.sidebar):
          node.elements = [Paragraph(client.gen_pdftext(node),
          # Section/Subsection/etc.
          text = client.gen_pdftext(node)
          fch = node.children[0]
          if isinstance(fch, docutils.nodes.generated) and \
              fch['classes'] == ['sectnum']:
              snum = fch.astext()
              snum = None
          key = node.get('refid')
          if reportlab.Version > '2.1':

          # The parent ID is the refid + an ID to make it unique for Sphinx
          parent_id=(node.parent.get('ids', [None]) or [None])[0]+u'-'+unicode(id(node))
          if client.depth > 1:
              node.elements = [ Heading(text,
                      client.styles['heading%d'%min(client.depth, maxdepth)],
          else: # This is an important title, do our magic ;-)
              # Hack the title template SVG
              tfile = open('titletemplate.svg')
              tdata =
              tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir='.', delete=False, suffix='.svg')
              tfname =
              tfile.write(tdata.replace('TITLEGOESHERE', text))

              # Now tfname contains a SVG with the right title.
              # Make rst2pdf delete it later.

              e = FancyHeading(tfname, width=700, height=100,
                  client=client, snum=snum, parent_id=parent_id,
                  text=text, level=client.depth-1)

              node.elements = [e]

          if client.depth <= client.breaklevel:
              node.elements.insert(0, MyPageBreak(breakTo=client.breakside))
      return node.elements

The full ex­ten­sion is in SVN and you can try it this way:

[fancytitles]$ rst2pdf -e fancytitles -e inkscape demo.txt -b1

You need to en­able the Inkscape ex­ten­sion so the SVG will look nice. And here's the out­put:


You can over­ride how any el­e­ment is han­dled. That's be­ing ex­ten­si­ble :-)

rst2pdf 0.14 released!

It's my plea­sure to an­nounce that I just up­load­ed rst2pdf 0.14 to the site at http://rst2pdf.­google­code.­com.

Rst2pdf is a pro­gram and a li­brary to con­vert re­struc­tured text di­rect­ly in­to PDF us­ing Re­port­lab.

It sup­ports True Type and Type 1 font em­bed­ding, most raster and vec­tor im­age for­mat­s, source code high­light­ing, ar­bi­trary text frames in a page, cas­cad­ing stylesheet­s, the full re­struc­tured text syn­tax and much, much more.

It al­so in­cludes a sphinx ex­ten­sion so you can use it to gen­er­ate PDFs from doc­u­ments built with Sphinx.

In case of prob­lem­s, please re­port them in the Is­sue track­er (http://­code.­google.­com/p/rst2pdf/is­sues/list) or the mail­ing list (http://­group­s.­google.­com/­group/rst2pdf-dis­cuss)

This re­lease fix­es sev­er­al bugs and adds some mi­nor fea­tures com­pared to 0.13.2. Here are some of the changes:

  • Fixed Is­­sue 197: Ta­ble bor­ders were con­­fus­ing.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 297: styles from de­­fault­­.j­­son leaked on­­to oth­­er syn­­tax high­­­light­ing stylesheet­s.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 295: key­­word re­­place­­ment in head­­er­s/­­foot­ers did­n't work if ###­­Page### and oth­­ers was in­­­side a ta­ble.

  • New fea­­ture: odd­­e­ven di­rec­­tive to dis­­­play al­ter­­na­­tive con­­tent on odd­­/even pages (good for head­­er­s/­­foot­er­s!)

  • Switched all stylesheets to more read­­able RSON for­­mat.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 294: Im­ages were de­­formed when on­­ly height was spec­i­­fied.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 293: Ac­­cept left­­/­­cen­ter/right as align­­ments in stylesheet­s.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 292: sep­a­rate style for line num­bers in code­blocks

  • Fixed Is­­sue 291: sup­­port class di­rec­­tive for code­blocks

  • Fixed Is­­sue 104: to­­tal num­ber of pages in head­­er/­­foot­er works in all cas­es now.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 168: linenos and linenothresh­old op­­tions in Sphinx now work cor­rec­t­­ly.

  • Fixed re­­gres­­sion in 0.12 (in­ter­ac­­tion be­tween rst2pdf and sphinx math)

  • Doc­u­­men­t­ed ex­ten­­sions in the man­u­al

  • Bet­ter styling of bul­let­s/items (Is­­sue 289)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 290: don't fail on bro­ken im­ages

  • Bet­ter font find­­ing in win­­dows (patch by tech­­tonik, Is­­sue 282).

  • Fixed Is­­sue 166: Im­­ple­­men­t­ed Sphinx's hlist (hor­i­­zon­­tal list­s)

  • Fixed Is­­sue 284: Im­­ple­­men­t­ed pro­­duc­­tion lists for sphinx

  • Fixed Is­­sue 165: De­f­i­ni­­tion lists not prop­er­­ly in­­­den­t­ed in­­­side ad­­mo­ni­­tions or ta­bles.

  • SVG Im­ages work in­­­line when us­ing the inkscape ex­ten­­sion.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 268: TOCs shift­ed to the left on RL 2.4

  • Fixed Is­­sue 281: sphinx test au­­to­­ma­­tion was bro­ken

  • Fixed Is­­sue 280: wrong page tem­­plates used in sphinx


Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina