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Posts about qt (old posts, page 3)

PyQt by Example (Session 4) in spanish! (and some thanks)

Thanks to Leonar­do De Lu­ca, ses­sion 4 is now avail­able in span­ish

Al­so, thanks to:

  • ZeD who point­ed out a bug in ses­­sion 2 and wrote a sphinx con­­fig file (works very well!)

  • Emanuele Rampi­chi­ni who point­ed out a bug (which I have not fixed yet)

  • Si­­mon Ed­wards who post­ed about this se­ries in his blog and point­ed out some dif­fer­­ences if you want to use PyKDE in­­stead of PyQt.

Translations coming

The span­ish trans­la­tions of most ses­sions of "PyQt by Ex­am­ple" are al­most done, thanks to sev­er­al vol­un­teer­s.

To­mor­row I will up­load at least one.

If any­one wants to trans­late them to oth­er lan­guages, I will be hap­py to in­clude those too.

Qt 4.5

Do­ing a rou­tine up­date in my desk­top, I was sur­prised to see Qt 4.5 is now in ex­tra! Way to go Arch!

I had a bad start, because all fonts were broken, but after running fc-­cache -fv as root and my user it looks ok again.

In fac­t, it fix­es a bug that has been an­noy­ing me for a year.

Per­for­mance seems to be snap­pi­er. That may be a bit sub­jec­tive, but things like the an­i­ma­tions in krun­ner now are re­al­ly quick and smooth while be­fore they were jumpy.

And... I can try to make flash work in uRSSus! Yay!

UP­DATE: it just start­ed work­ing:


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