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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

PyQt by Example (Session 4) in spanish! (and some thanks)

Thanks to Leonar­do De Lu­ca, ses­sion 4 is now avail­able in span­ish

Al­so, thanks to:

  • ZeD who point­ed out a bug in ses­­sion 2 and wrote a sphinx con­­fig file (works very well!)

  • Emanuele Rampi­chi­ni who point­ed out a bug (which I have not fixed yet)

  • Si­­mon Ed­wards who post­ed about this se­ries in his blog and point­ed out some dif­fer­­ences if you want to use PyKDE in­­stead of PyQt.

Ibn Saeed / 2009-04-26 18:30:


I stumbled upon you website while searching for tutorials on PyQt4.

I really like your style of writing tutorials. Its really helpful. You should consider writing a small book on PyQt4 :)

Please, continue to write more Tutorials on PyQt4.

Roberto Alsina / 2009-04-26 21:45:

I have several more planned for PyQt4 but I ran out of free time this month.

The main problem about writing a book is ... well, it's a lot of work and I won't probably finish it.

So, I will publish a bunch more on this site, and then maybe I could "package" them as a small book someday.

Ibn Saeed / 2009-04-26 22:03:

Hello Alsina

That's reasonable approach as well.

I will be keeping an eye on your site :)

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