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Posts about python (old posts, page 49)

A bit more work in rst2pdf

A bit of time to­day, too:

  • Start­ed look­ing at is­­sue re­­port­ed by msouli­er (not re­pro­­duced yet)

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed im­prove­­ment re­quest­ed in Is­­sue 111 in r520 (in­­clud­ing docs and sam­­ple con­­fig file). Now it needs to be ver­i­­fied by ad­k2012

  • Ver­i­­fied Is­­sue 106 is­n't hap­pen­ing any­­more and closed it.

  • Closed Is­­sue 76 as Won­t­­Fix be­­cause I am not keep­­ing RL2.1 in­­stalled :-(

  • Closed Is­­sue 99 be­­cause it's fixed in wor­­daxe 0.3.2

UP­DATE: The changel­og in SVN is get­ting more than long enough to de­serve a new re­lease!

rst2pdf bugfixes

Af­ter an aw­ful­ly long time, I set aside one hour for cod­ing, and spent it on bug­fix­ing for rst2pdf.

  • Fixed Is­­sue 112 with r513

  • Fixed Is­­sue 107 with r516

  • Start­ed im­­ple­­men­t­ing Is­­sue 111

Not much work (the fix­es were very sim­ple) but at least I am do­ing some­thing. Im­por­tant since some peo­ple ac­tu­al­ly use this pro­gram ;-)

PyQt by Example (Session 4) in spanish! (and some thanks)

Thanks to Leonar­do De Lu­ca, ses­sion 4 is now avail­able in span­ish

Al­so, thanks to:

  • ZeD who point­ed out a bug in ses­­sion 2 and wrote a sphinx con­­fig file (works very well!)

  • Emanuele Rampi­chi­ni who point­ed out a bug (which I have not fixed yet)

  • Si­­mon Ed­wards who post­ed about this se­ries in his blog and point­ed out some dif­fer­­ences if you want to use PyKDE in­­stead of PyQt.

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