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Posts about pyqt (old posts, page 2)

Translations coming

The span­ish trans­la­tions of most ses­sions of "PyQt by Ex­am­ple" are al­most done, thanks to sev­er­al vol­un­teer­s.

To­mor­row I will up­load at least one.

If any­one wants to trans­late them to oth­er lan­guages, I will be hap­py to in­clude those too.

Session 5 is slightly delayed

I planned to have it ready for to­day, but my cur­rent con­sult­ing job (mi­grat­ing a firm from Ex­change to FLOSS) is get­ting a bit gnarly (most­ly be­cause of Out­look 2000) (Yes, I know).

It may be done this sat­ur­day, maybe next tues­day, I just don't know yet.

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