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Posts about programming (old posts, page 73)

Jinja support in Nikola ready for testing

Since some peo­ple re­al­ly don't like Mako, and pre­fer Jin­ja2, I de­cid­ed to make the tem­plate en­gine mod­u­lar in Niko­la my stat­ic site/blog gen­er­a­tor.

All things con­sid­ered, there is very lit­tle dif­fer­ence on the API side:


I even port­ed the de­fault theme to Jin­ja! And not all that much is dif­fer­ent on the tem­plate side, ei­ther:


But hey, to each his own. Oth­er tem­plate en­gines are prob­a­bly easy to plug, too.

Branch up for re­view here in github and yes, any­one read­ing this who knows Jin­ja2 or python is wel­come to re­view it.

Smiljan, a Small Planet Generator

I main­tain a cou­ple of small "plan­et" sites. If you are not fa­mil­iar with plan­et­s, they are sites that ag­gre­gate RSS/Atom feeds for a group of peo­ple re­lat­ed some­how. It makes for a nice, sin­gle, the­mat­ic feed.

Re­cent­ly, when chang­ing them from one serv­er to an­oth­er, ev­ery­thing broke. Old posts were new, feeds that had not been up­dat­ed in 2 years were al­ways with all its posts on top... a dis­as­ter.

I could have gone to the old server, and start­ed de­bug­ging why raw­dog was do­ing that, or switch to plan­et, or look for oth­er soft­ware, or use an on­line ag­gre­ga­tor.

In­stead, I start­ed think­ing... I had writ­ten a few RSS ag­gre­ga­tors in the past... Feed­pars­er is again un­der ac­tive de­vel­op­men­t... raw­dog and plan­et seem to be pret­ty much aban­doned... how hard could it be to im­ple­ment the min­i­mal plan­et soft­ware?

Well, not all that hard, that's how hard it was. Like it took me 4 hours, and was not even dif­fi­cult.

One rea­son why this was eas­i­er than what plan­et and raw­dog achieved is that I am not do­ing a stat­ic site gen­er­a­tor, be­cause I al­ready have one so all I need this pro­gram (I called it Smil­jan) to do is:

  • Parse a list of feeds and store it in a data­base if need­ed.

  • Down­load those feeds (re­spec­t­ing etag and mod­­i­­fied-s­ince).

  • Parse those feeds look­ing for en­tries (feed­­pars­er does that).

  • Load those en­tries (or rather, a tiny sub­­set of their data) in the data­base.

  • Use the en­tries to gen­er­ate a set of files to feed Niko­la

  • Use niko­la to gen­er­ate and de­­ploy the site.

So, here is the fi­nal re­sult: http://­plan­e­ which still needs them­ing and a lot of oth­er stuff, but work­s.

I im­ple­ment­ed Smil­jan as 3 doit tasks, which makes it very easy to in­te­grate with Niko­la (if you know Niko­la: add "from smil­jan im­port *" in your do­ and a feeds file with the feed list in raw­dog for­mat) and voilá, run­ning this up­dates the plan­et:

doit load_feeds update_feeds generate_posts render_site deploy

Here is the code for smil­, cur­rent­ly at the "gross hack that kin­da work­s" stage. En­joy!

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import codecs
import datetime
import glob
import os
import sys

from import timeout
import feedparser
import peewee

class Feed(peewee.Model):
    name = peewee.CharField()
    url = peewee.CharField(max_length = 200)
    last_status = peewee.CharField()
    etag = peewee.CharField(max_length = 200)
    last_modified = peewee.DateTimeField()

class Entry(peewee.Model):
    date = peewee.DateTimeField()
    feed = peewee.ForeignKeyField(Feed)
    content = peewee.TextField(max_length = 20000)
    link = peewee.CharField(max_length = 200)
    title = peewee.CharField(max_length = 200)
    guid = peewee.CharField(max_length = 200)


def task_load_feeds():
    feeds = []
    feed = name = None
    for line in open('feeds'):
        line = line.strip()
        if line.startswith('feed'):
            feed = line.split(' ')[2]
        if line.startswith('define_name'):
            name = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])
        if feed and name:
            feeds.append([feed, name])
            feed = name = None

    def add_feed(name, url):
        f = Feed.create(

    def update_feed_url(feed, url):
        feed.url = url

    for feed, name in feeds:
        f =
        if not list(f):
            yield {
                'name': name,
                'actions': ((add_feed,(name, feed)),),
                'file_dep': ['feeds'],
        elif list(f)[0].url != feed:
            yield {
                'name': 'updating:'+name,
                'actions': ((update_feed_url,(list(f)[0], feed)),),

def task_update_feeds():
    def update_feed(feed):
        modified = feed.last_modified.timetuple()
        etag = feed.etag
        parsed = feedparser.parse(feed.url,
            feed.last_status = str(parsed.status)
        except:  # Probably a timeout
            # TODO: log failure
        if parsed.feed.get('title'):
            print parsed.feed.title
            print feed.url
        feed.etag = parsed.get('etag', 'caca')
        modified = tuple(parsed.get('date_parsed', (1970,1,1)))[:6]
        print "==========>", modified
        modified = datetime.datetime(*modified)
        feed.last_modified = modified
        # No point in adding items from missinfg feeds
        if parsed.status > 400:
            # TODO log failure
        for entry_data in parsed.entries:
            print "========================================="
            date = entry_data.get('updated_parsed', None)
            if date is None:
                date = entry_data.get('published_parsed', None)
            if date is None:
                print "Can't parse date from:"
                print entry_data
                return False
            date = datetime.datetime(*(date[:6]))
            title = "%s: %s" %(, entry_data.get('title', 'Sin título'))
            content = entry_data.get('description',
                    entry_data.get('summary', 'Sin contenido'))
            guid = entry_data.get('guid',
            link =
            print repr([date, title])
            entry = Entry.get_or_create(
                date = date,
                title = title,
                content = content,
    for feed in
        yield {
            'actions': [(update_feed,(feed,))],
            'uptodate': [timeout(datetime.timedelta(minutes=20))],

def task_generate_posts():

    def generate_post(entry):
        meta_path = os.path.join('posts',str('.meta')
        post_path = os.path.join('posts',str('.txt')
        with, 'wb+', 'utf8') as fd:
            fd.write(u'%s\n' % entry.title.replace('\n', ' '))
            fd.write(u'%s\n' %
            fd.write(u'%s\n' %'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M'))
            fd.write(u'%s\n' %
        with, 'wb+', 'utf8') as fd:
            fd.write(u'.. raw:: html\n\n')
            content = entry.content
            if not content:
                content = u'Sin contenido'
            for line in content.splitlines():
                fd.write(u'    %s\n' % line)

    for entry in'date', 'desc')):
        yield {
            'actions': [(generate_post, (entry,))],

Nikola 2.1.1 + GitHub

By pop­u­lar re­quest, Niko­la now has its source code at GitHub.

Al­so, if you tried ver­sion 2.1 and it failed, try 2.1.1, be­cause I for­got to add a cou­ple of files in one of the themes in 2.1.

Nikola 1.2 is out!

Ver­sion 1.2 of Niko­la, my stat­ic site gen­er­a­tor and the soft­ware be­hind this very site, is out!

Why build stat­ic sites? Be­cause they are light in re­sources, they are fu­ture-proof, be­cause it's easy, be­cause they are safe, and be­cause you avoid lockin.

New Fea­tures:

  • Im­age gallery (just drop pics on a fold­er)

  • Built-in web­serv­er for pre­views (doit -a serve)

  • Helper com­mands to cre­ate new posts (doit -a new_­­post)

  • Google Sitemap sup­­port

  • A Hand­­book!

  • Full de­­mo site in­­­clud­ed

  • Sup­port for au­to­mat­ic de­ploy­ment (doit -a de­­ploy)

  • Clien­t-­­side redi­rec­­tions

And of course the old fea­tures:

  • Write your posts in re­Struc­­tured text

  • Clean, cus­­tom­iz­a­ble page de­sign (via boot­s­trap)

  • Com­­ments via Dis­­qus

  • Sup­­port any an­a­­lyt­ics you want

  • Build blogs with tags, feed­s, feeds for your tags, in­­dex­es, and more

  • Works like a sim­­ple CMS for things out­­­side your blog

  • Clean cus­­tom­iz­a­ble tem­­plates us­ing Mako

  • Pure python, and not a lot of it (about 600 lines)

  • Smart builds (doit on­­ly re­builds changed pages)

  • Easy to ex­­tend and im­prove

  • Code dis­­­played with syn­­tax high­­­light­ing

Right now Niko­la does lit­er­al­ly ev­ery­thing I need, so if you try it and need some­thing else... it's a good time to ask!

More in­fo at http://niko­la-­gen­er­a­tor.­google­code.­com

Nikola 1.1 is out!

A sim­ple yet pow­er­ful and flex­i­ble stat­ic web­site and blog gen­er­a­tor, based on doit, mako, do­cu­tils and boot­strap.

I built this to pow­er this very site you are read­ing, but de­cid­ed it may be use­ful to oth­er­s. The main goals of Niko­la are:

  • Small code­base: be­­cause I don't want to main­­tain a big thing for my blog

  • Fast page gen­er­a­­tion: Adding a post should not take more that 5 sec­onds to build.

  • Stat­ic out­­put: De­­ploy­­ment us­ing rsync is smooth.

  • Flex­i­ble page gen­er­a­­tion: you can de­­cide where ev­ery­thing goes in the fi­­nal site.

  • Pow­er­­ful tem­­plates: Us­es Mako

  • Clean markup for post­s: Us­es Do­cu­tils

  • Don't do stupid build­s: Us­es doit

  • Clean HTML out­­put by de­­fault: Us­es boot­s­trap

  • Com­­ments out of the box: Us­es Dis­­qus

  • Tags, with their own RSS feeds

  • Easy way to do a blog

  • Stat­ic pages out­­­side the blog

  • Mul­ti­lin­gual blog sup­­port (my own blog is en­g­lish + span­ish)

I think this ini­tial ver­sion achieves all of those goal­s, but of course, it can be im­proved. Feed­back is very wel­come!

Niko­la's home page is cur­rent­ly http://niko­la-­gen­er­a­tor.­google­code.­com

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina