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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Nikola version 5.4.4 is out!

Yes, ver­sion 5.4.4 of Niko­la, my stat­ic site/blog gen­er­a­tor is just pub­lished at the usu­al place, in­clud­ing the fol­low­ing im­prove­ments:


  • New Ja­­pa­­nese tran­s­la­­tion.

  • Niko­la check ex­ists with 1 if there is an er­ror

  • New HIDE_UN­­TRAN­S­LAT­ED_­­POSTS op­­tion that en­­sures you don't have mixed-lan­guage pages (Is­­sue #373)

  • New theme "site-­­plan­e­­toid" for use with the plan­e­­toid plug­in.

  • New 're­tired' tag for posts that should no longer be in feed­s.


  • Added post da­­ta as a up­­­to­­date check for mus­­tache (Is­­sue #456)

  • Re­build post pages when the post's tran­s­la­­tion list changes (Is­­sue #458)

  • Han­­dle "-h" (Is­­sue #460)

  • Added cor­rect help for con­­sole com­­mand (Is­­sue #460)

  • Es­­­cape twit­ter­­card da­­ta (Is­­sue #452)

  • Added mis­s­ing "twit­ter­­card" in sto­ry tem­­plate

  • Added sup­­port for per-lan­guage tags (Is­­sue #450)

  • Fix wrong path split­t­ing (Is­­sue #434)

  • Re­mem­ber lo­­cale even when set_lo­­cale failes (Is­­sue #446)

  • De­­code path ar­gu­­ment in new_­­post (Is­­sue #442)

  • task_in­dex­es had mis­s­ing con­­fig de­pen­­den­­cies (Is­­sue #441)

  • Re­­moved bo­­gus links to slides as­sets that were re­­moved

  • Com­­pressed files were seen as un­­known by "niko­la check"

  • lo­­cal search and mus­­tache plug­ins must be dis­­abled by de­­fault (Is­­sue #437)

  • Avoid fail­ure if there are no tags and USE_GZIP is en­abled (Is­­sue #439)

  • Fix as­pect ra­­tio de­tec­­tion in Vimeo videos (Is­­sue #440)

  • Blog­ger im­­porter was pass­ing wrong op­­tions to "niko­la init" (Is­­sue #408)

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina