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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Nikola version 5.4.4 is out!

Ye­s, ver­sion 5.4.4 of Niko­la, my sta­tic si­te/­blog ge­ne­ra­tor is just pu­blis­hed at the usual pla­ce, in­clu­ding the fo­llo­wing im­pro­ve­men­ts:


  • New Ja­­pa­­ne­­se tran­s­­la­­tio­­n.

  • Niko­­­la che­­ck exis­­ts wi­­th 1 if the­­re is an error

  • New HI­­DE_UN­­TRAN­S­­LA­TE­­D_­­PO­S­­TS op­­tion that en­­su­­res you do­­n't ha­­ve mixe­­d-­­lan­­gua­­ge pa­­ges (Is­­sue #373)

  • New the­­me "si­­te-­­pla­­ne­­toi­­d" for use wi­­th the pla­­ne­­toid plu­­gi­n.

  • New 're­­ti­­re­­d' tag for po­s­­ts that should no lo­n­­ger be in fee­­d­s.


  • Added post da­­ta as a up­­to­­­da­­te che­­ck for mus­­ta­­che (Is­­sue #456)

  • Re­­build post pa­­ges when the po­s­­t's tran­s­­la­­tion list chan­­ges (Is­­sue #458)

  • Han­d­­le "-h" (Is­­sue #460)

  • Added co­­­rrect help for co­n­­so­­­le co­­­m­­mand (Is­­sue #460)

  • Es­­ca­­pe twi­­tte­r­­card da­­ta (Is­­sue #452)

  • Added mis­­sing "twi­­tte­r­­ca­r­­d" in sto­­­ry te­m­­pla­­te

  • Added su­­pport for pe­­r-­­lan­­gua­­ge tags (Is­­sue #450)

  • Fix wrong pa­­th spli­­tting (Is­­sue #434)

  • Re­­me­m­­ber lo­­­ca­­le even when se­­t_­­lo­­­ca­­le fai­­les (Is­­sue #446)

  • De­­co­­­de pa­­th ar­­gu­­ment in new_­­post (Is­­sue #442)

  • ta­sk_i­n­­dexes had mis­­sing co­n­­fig de­­pen­­den­­cies (Is­­sue #441)

  • Re­­mo­­­ved bo­­­gus li­nks to sli­­des asse­­ts that we­­re re­­mo­­­ved

  • Co­m­­press­ed fi­­les we­­re seen as unk­­no­­wn by "niko­­­la che­­ck"

  • lo­­­cal sea­r­­ch and mus­­ta­­che plu­­gins must be di­s­a­­bled by de­­fault (Is­­sue #437)

  • Avoid fai­­lu­­re if the­­re are no tags and USE_­G­­ZIP is ena­­bled (Is­­sue #439)

  • Fix as­­pect ra­­tio de­­te­c­­tion in Vi­­meo vi­­deos (Is­­sue #440)

  • Blo­­­gger im­­po­r­­ter was pa­s­­sing wrong op­­tions to "niko­­­la ini­­t" (Is­­sue #408)

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina