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Cover for Undersea


Very in­ter­est­ing, well writ­ten book. It presents a sce­nario and fol­lows things to log­i­cal con­clu­sion­s, sets rules and keeps them. In­ter­est­ing char­ac­ter de­vel­op­men­t, too.

The not so great? Well, it suf­fers a bit from the "this per­son is in­volved in *ev­ery­thing* that hap­pen­s" syn­drome, but that's par for the course in sci­fi, and I have learned to live with it.

And this is to­tal­ly pet­ty of me, but when­ev­er Mrakas Gat­ley was men­tioned, I kept read­ing he's called "Mara­cas" and gig­gling, which kin­da spoils the page.

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