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Journey to Hart's Halo

Cover for Journey to Hart's Halo


Got this as part of the Sto­ry Bun­dle.

It starts in­trigu­ing­ly, and stays that way for about two thirds of the book. Then it all goes to hell in a hand­bas­ket and the end makes no sense what­so­ev­er. Feels like the au­thor felt not enough was hap­pen­ing, or de­cid­ed to do "a twist" or... I don't know, but the whole end of the book af­ter the "reap­pear­ance" (if you read it you know what I mean) ru­ined it for me.

I liked the be­gin­ning though, so I will try to read some­thing else by the au­thor.

Al­so: the face in the book cov­er is dis­con­cert­ing­ly sim­i­lar to Shel­don Coop­er from The Big Bang the­o­ry.

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