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Two Serpents Rise (Craft Sequence, #2)

Cover for Two Serpents Rise (Craft Sequence, #2)


So, there's this guy liv­ing in a large city, south by the west coast, you see, and he's in­volved in some strange thing about wa­ter right­s.

Be­cause he's stub­born and has some in­ves­ti­gat­ing tal­en­t, he ends up way over his head, in the com­pa­ny of big fish, along with this mis­tery gal who may not be what she ap­pears to be.

So, like Chi­na­town (the movie) ex­cept LA is pop­u­lat­ed by mad aztec­s, and cen­tral amer­i­ca was de­stroyed a while ago. What's not to like?

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