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The Mongoliad: Book One (Foreworld, #1)

Cover for The Mongoliad: Book One (Foreworld, #1)


This, al­though writ­ten in col­lab­o­ra­tion by half a dozen au­thors, feels like a Neal Stephen­son book, and I will treat it as such. That means im­pos­si­bly high stan­dard­s, and it does not sur­pass all its test­s, but is pret­ty close in many.

In­cred­i­bly de­tailed, and *un­der­stand­able* fight sce­nes? Check.

Ran­dom words that send you to the dic­tio­nary? Check. (Why use ver­st?)

A page turn­er? Check.

In­ter­est­ing, mys­te­ri­ous char­ac­ter­s? Check. (I was half ex­pect­ing Enoch Root to show up: he does not)

I loved it and can't wait for book too.

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