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Porn in Turkey: It's for Work Purposes

I have writ­ten a few days ago about some is­sues with SSL cer­tifi­cates.

This post will de­scribe the strangest thing I have done or work pur­pos­es in the last year, year and a half.

We get re­ports that users of Ubun­tu Pre­cise Pan­golin, in Turkey, are get­ting a SSL cer­tifi­cate er­ror. I sus­pect it may be be­cause there is a gov­ern­ment fire­wall there (the "Ha­lal In­ter­net") So, we try de­bug­ging it with them. And we get nowhere yet. So, I had the idea of try­ing to get a turk­ish IP ad­dress and de­bug from there.

I start­ed look­ing for a VP­S, could­not find any, then Rod­ney Dawes found a Turk­ish VPN provider. Which is weird in that a mil­lion Turks are us­ing VP­Ns to get out of the Turk­ish cen­sor­ing fire­wal­l, but hey, I will do things for the user­s.

So, I get that, I make it work, and then I de­bug. No er­ror. So, how do I know if I am be­hind the Turk­ish fire­wal­l? I tried to open a porn site, ex­pect­ing it to fail. But it did not.

So, ofi­cial­ly I saw like 10 sec­onds of porn while work­ing, for work pur­pos­es.

BTW: the cor­rect way to know is to try to ac­cess http://www.rolling­stone.­com

Ardnam / 2012-05-15 01:18:

The Internet is mostly uncensored in Turkey, you are mistaking the country for Iran. The one exception is Youtube, which was blocked for a long period of time because someone made fun of the Ataturk, but that has been reverted.

Roberto Alsina / 2012-05-15 01:25:

I spent almost two months in turkey last year. There are tons of sites that are either censored by the ISP or lead to fake error pages (try, for instance).

conejotano / 2012-05-20 00:12:

why keep removing the FAP comment?

Roberto Alsina / 2012-05-20 01:37:

I only removed it once. Reason is: arbitrary rejection.

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