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Soon I Will Be Invincible

Cover for Soon I Will Be Invincible


If you read the re­views, you'll no­tice this is a po­lar­iz­ing book, hon­our usu­al­ly re­served for first-per­son nar­ra­tives ex­plain­ing Je­sus ac­tu­al­ly was a whore­mong­ing alien, or some­thing. OTO­H, I am giv­ing it 4 stars, most­ly for two rea­son­s.

One, is, I re­al­ly did like it. It's fun­ni­ly writ­ten, and it shows love for genre. It at least *tries* to make the uni­verse make some sense, which is some­thing su­per­hero sto­ries hard­ly ev­er do.

And two, be­cause there's a pedan­tic re­view that bash­es the book for ac­cu­rate­ly quot­ing Archimedes, be­cause the re­view writ­er ap­par­ent­ly has not read as much as he thinks, and I love con­tra­dict­ing such peo­ple.

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