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Nikola Wordpress Importer Improvements

Thanks to hav­ing users try­ing to ac­tu­al­ly im­port da­ta from word­press, the word­press im­porter plug­in for Niko­la, my stat­ic site gen­er­a­tor got a cou­ple of new fea­tures.

  • It will try to main­­tain your URLs via redi­rects

    If your post was in /2012/1/2/a-­­post/ and now it will be in /post­s/a-­­post.html it will cre­ate a re­di­rect from the for­mer to the lat­ter.

  • url_map for com­­ment mi­­gra­­tion

    It will cre­ate a CSV file con­­tain­ing the old,new full URLs so that you can move your dis­­qus threads to the right places.

Al­so, mas­ter works with do­cu­tils 0.10 which broke in the last re­lease.

For these rea­son­s, there will be a 5.0.1 re­lease to­day or to­mor­row.

PS: if you want to see a few sites us­ing Niko­la, now you can.

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