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Lenovo Mini Keyboard

The Leno­vo mi­ni wire­less key­board and track­ball

Just got this to­day from DX and it's awe­some.

  1. I got it in a ter­­mosealed bag with a note from the Ar­­gen­­tini­an mail com­­pa­ny say­ing "sor­ry it's bro­ken, we got it that way".

  2. The box looked like a rhi­no had seen it was on fire and tried to put it out.

  3. It's spot­­less and works per­­fec­t­­ly.

So, what is it?

A RF (not blue­tooth) mini-key­board + track­bal­l.

Does it work?

Bril­liant­ly. You take the don­gle, plug it in­to a USB port, and it work­s, no pair­ing, no con­fig, no driver­s, no noth­ing.

But does it work on Linux?

Yep, ev­ery­thing, from the vol­ume keys, to the "play­er" keys, to the weird or­ange key that ap­par­ent­ly launch­es nau­tilus. All the mul­ti­me­dia keys work, with OSD feed­back, and they do the ob­vi­ous thing on clemen­tine.

Are the keys nice?

They are a lot like an ex­pen­sive QW­ER­TY slid­er phone's. No trav­el, but nice feed­back, and the lay­out is rea­son­able. It's most­ly a thum­b-key­board, and the shape works nice­ly for that.

And the trackball?

Works with the thum­b. I woul like a "press-the-­track­bal­l" to click, and strange­ly it's a bit noisy! But not bad at al­l.

What else?

Light, has a com­part­ment to store the don­gle, seems rather ro­bust. Comes with bat­ter­ies.

So far, re­al­ly hap­py with it, will use it for my liv­ing room com­put­er/­me­diathing.

emiliano / 2012-05-27 22:50:

una consulta: con el rum rum sobre las trabas a las importaciones, hay inconvenientes para comprar en DX al día de hoy?

Roberto Alsina / 2012-05-28 01:35:

Lo pedí hace 3 semanas, me llegó sin problemas. Peor de los casos hubiera tenido que ir a la aduana y pagar unos pesos de impuestos, supongo.

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