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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Son of Bartlebog II

Af­ter a few more hours hack­ing, it's got the fol­low­ing work­ing:

  • Cher­ry­Tem­­plate tem­­plates that do about the same as the Chee­­tah tem­­plates in PyDS

  • Gen­er­ates the whole site and it looks just the same

  • Ad­vo­ga­­to im­­port (my blog should go all the way back to 2000 when I switch!)

  • PyDS im­­port

The main miss­ing things are:

  • Do a de­­cent tem­­plat­ing sys­tem (right now they are em­bed­d­ed in the code)

  • Do a de­­cent con­­fig sys­tem (right now, glob­al var­i­ables)

  • Do up­­load­­ing (or just trust lft­p)

  • Do post/s­­to­ry cre­a­tion

  • Port the RSS tem­­plate

  • Flickr in­­te­­gra­­tion

  • In­­te­­gra­­tion with all those neat lit­­tle gad­get­s: feed­burn­er flares, HaloScan com­­ments which are cur­ren­t­­ly kin­­da graft­ed (on­­ly work for my ac­­count ;-)

  • Look in­­­to Ya­hoo UI tool­k­it for things like the cal­en­­dar and menus.

  • Add the ex­­tra stuff to Re­struc­­tured Text so it:

    • Fix­es au­­­to­­­mat­i­­­cal­­­ly links to post­s/s­­­to­ries in the blog

    • Pret­­­ty-prints code us­ing Sil­ver­­Ci­­­ty

  • Lots of UI stuff

All in al­l, not re­al­ly a huge amount of work, but I am tak­ing it easy.

When KDE4 is out, a ver­sion with a ful­l-fled­get KHTML in it will be a whole lot nicer.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina