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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

New look for this blog.

Af­ter many years, this is the first rad­i­cal change of look.

It's not very nice, be­cause my HTML skil­lz sux0rz, but hey, it's dark­er!

There are many lit­tle things wrong (like the col­or of vis­it­ed links) but I like it.

It's al­so a bit sim­pler, and I did the ban­ner us­ing inkscape (I had it done much nicer us­ing Kar­bon, but then I could­n't fig­ure out how to do the gra­di­en­t. Oh, well).

Up­date1: It looks in­cred­i­bly aw­ful on IE6, from the un­trans­par­ente PNG to the un­sup­port­ed over­flow:au­to I think I caught ev­ery damn thing that does­n't work :-)

Update2: Both IE and Konqueror will not use overflow: auto if the object is inside a table. In a blog that posts code and logs, and so on, that's a big problem.

So, to make this kin­da work, I had to get rid of (al­most) all ta­bles.

It looks ok now, ex­cept on IE the side­bar is at the bot­tom right, which is prob­a­bly be­cause it cal­cu­lates el­e­ment widths dif­fer­ent­ly.

Juanjo Conti / 2007-02-20 22:36:

Software and Articles point to Articles page.

Sorry, my english seems not to be very good, I did not understand the update, what are you going to do about the IE problem? I have a web site with the same issue and decided not to worry about MS problems.

Roberto Alsina / 2007-02-20 22:38:

Calculo que no me caliento mucho, pero veo si sale algo facil :-)

Los links están mal, sí, ya los voy a arreglar :-)

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