SMTP servers are hell
At least in the sense that they are really full of people with bad intentions...
The red stripe are connections blocked because the sender is listed in spamcop.
The blue stripe is connections blocked because the sender is in NJABL.
The darker green stripe is connections that are rate-limited because they look like a DOS or address spam (client connecting too quickly)
The top green line is SMTP connections.
The thin white stripe is real connections that we allow to send email.
Of course when you look at those...
42% are spam (yes, the filter is quite efficient).
So, about 1 in 5 connection attempts actually intends to send a real, good, valid email.
I am amazed this email thingamajig still works.
is it the result of your qmrtg rewriting for munin?
If so, would you share your work? (and maybee submit it directly to munin team?)
Yup, the first graph is one of my plugins.
I have 5 done and there are still a few more to go.
It's not adequate for inclusion in munin because it relies heavily on external tools to pre-munch the logs, but I will post it here soon.