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Data-aware widgets in PyQt

Here's the chal­lenge: a nicer ver­sion of Qt's data-aware wid­get­s, us­ing PyQt.

Did I suc­ceed? Prob­a­bly not, but it was in­ter­est­ing to do. Maybe it will be in­ter­est­ing to read about ;-)

Boudewijn Rempt / 2006-04-03 15:28:

Gosh... I'd completely forgotten I had ever written that tutorial :-). Anyway, nice to be hearing from from you again!

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 15:28:

Not only am I posting again, I have a dozen of my half-baked pieces of code to show ;-)

toni / 2006-04-03 19:48:

Hmm, since you're using a ducktape (read: 'harcoded' SQL) in the class, I feel like you will lose flexibility. I myself prefer loosely coupled one. The things with datasource dand data provider. Nevertheless, your example/solution is a great.

Keep up the good code :)

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