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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Trac is cool. Cherrypy is cooler.

Trac is cool. Easy to set up, easy to run, low main­te­nance, and you get:

  • A tick­­et­ing sys­tem

  • Mile­­s­tones

  • A we­bcvs-­­like thing for sub­­ver­­sion

  • A wi­­ki (I mean,. what does­n't pro­­vide a wi­­ki nowa­­days?)

  • Bug re­­port­ing tool

  • The bug re­­port­ing tool and the sub­­ver­­sion change­sets can be linked us­ing Wi­­ki markup (now that's cool­er than it sounds ;-)

  • You don't need to be root to set it up, and you don't need apache or any­thing else, re­al­­ly.

Re­al­ly, re­al­ly nice stuff.

On the oth­er hand, Cher­ryPy is a tool that lets you "pub­lish your python ob­jects on the we­b", which does­n't re­al­ly mean much, but here's what I fig­ured out:

Cherrypy is the first way I have seen to write a useful web-based app in a reasonable amount of time and pain.

Ex­am­ple, I wrote a fron­tend to cla­mav (al­low­ing me to re­mote­ly trig­ger scans of in­di­vid­u­al nodes on a net­work) us­ing Cher­rypy and py­cla­mav in about 200 lines of code.

It works like a char­m, it's ro­bust, it even can be made to look nice us­ing some sort of tem­plat­ing en­gine (haven't both­ered yet).

And of course, I con­trol that ba­by us­ing a Trac project :-)

planetkdereader / 2006-04-03 15:26:

Easy to set up? Low maintenance? Open source really has lowered your standards.

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 15:27:

Well, to set up trac, all I did was:

tar xzvf trac*gz

trac-admin ~/projects/trac/projname initenv projname ~/svn/projname

tracd -p 8000 ~/projects/trac/*

That was not hard. Then I simply never touched it again. That's low maintenance.

I wonder if you know another software that provides equivalent functionality with less setup.and maintenance. I'd love to check it out.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina