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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Ramping down

I have de­cid­ed I am tak­ing a month off (from work, not the blog, not hob­by pro­gram­ming). And if I still feel tired, I am tak­ing an­oth­er week or two.

I have the mon­ey, busi­ness is al­ways slow in Jan­u­ary (sum­mer va­ca­tions here), and not that good in feb­ru­ary.

Add to it that main­te­nance can be done via ssh from any beach on which I hap­pen to be drink­ing caipir­in­ha, and that's it.

I in­tend to shut down teach­ing slow­ly, take no con­sult­ing gigs start­ing next week, and slow­ly reach a point, around de­cem­ber 17, where I have noth­ing to do.

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