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Going out

When we were not mar­ried, Rosario and I lived very far from each oth­er which meant that when we met, we stuck to­geth­er for 24, or 36 hours. Our 3rd date last­ed al­most 3 days.

A few days ago, we de­cid­ed to have one of those, even though we were with Tato for a part of it.

So, we went from home to the Museo Par­tic­i­pa­ti­vo de Cien­ci­as, in Reco­le­ta, a cool kids sci­ence mu­se­um, full of cool stuff.

First we went to Buenos Aires De­sign, place full of cool and very over­priced de­sign­er stuff. Bought two pen­s.

Since Georgina, a friend of ours who lives *very* far away from us works at the Cen­tro Cul­tur­al Reco­le­ta, we de­cid­ed to kid­nap her for a cup of cof­fee


In the mean­time, Tato ac­quired two bal­loons and start­ed mak­ing in­ap­propi­ate things with them:


But that was just a mo­men­t. Then... I'm an ele­phan­t!!!!


We en­tered the Cen­tro Cul­tur­al Reco­le­ta, which is a very cool place...


Tato and us per­formed a bunch of ex­per­i­ments. He even got to play with a Van­der­graaf gen­er­a­tor!!!!


Then we wan­dered the scary ar­eas...


When we got out, it was get­ting dark­...


And Tato dis­cov­ered the sad truth about can­died ap­ples: they are crap...


We left tato with his aun­ties Lau­ra and Agusti­na and start­ed the grownup part of the date. First, we saw Anony­mous protest­ing sci­en­tol­o­gy (and a troll­face!)...


We had a pi­ca­da at a place called Ba­bieca. Great mor­tade­la! I saw an ex­am­ple of ram­pant cap­i­tal­is­m...


Then our bank heist was foiled by a tell­er not giv­ing us the "s­mall de­nom­i­na­tion, un­marked, not-se­quen­tial" bills we want­ed...


Turns out Rosario had nev­er been to the Ate­neo Grand Splen­did, the pret­ti­est book­store I have ev­er seen. So we went there to see some books and get a so­da or some­thing...


The roof is pret­ty spe­cial...


This is a re­stored teather, and the bar is in the stage...


And you can see the an­cient lights board (luck­i­ly: dis­abled)...


So, we walked on Cor­ri­entes av­enue and saw this (and yes, you can fake 7 sec­onds of tan­go by fol­low­ing the step­s, but it's very hard for the la­dy)...


Then there was a guy, walk­ing in an ele­phan­t's trunk thong, while his friends (who had shorn him and cov­ered him in flour) whis­tled and shout­ed: a "de­s­pe­di­da de soltero", rit­u­al haz­ing for a guy get­ting mar­ried...


He end­ed talk­ing with a 7-­foot-­tall trans­ves­tite in red se­quin­s. The trans­ves­tite shout­ing "y­ou are a healthy boy!"...


So, af­ter a nice evening at a bor­rowed ap­part­men­t, next morn­ing we got Tato back!


A hob­bit­sian 3-hour break­fast en­sued...

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Then tax­i, train home, and we got back al­most ex­act­ly 26 hours af­ter we left. Ev­ery­one had fun, and thanks to Agusti­na and Lau­ra (or Lau­ra and Agusti­na), be­cause with­out the mel­lis, this would have been im­pos­si­ble.

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